[ES/EN] 👊Winning with 🔥"flying", 💥"repair" and 🔥"shatter" in "Earthquake"


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Saludos a toda la comunidad de "Splinterlands", hoy uso un team "Life" y me enfrente a un team "Water", es una batalla de "mana 47" y sin los monstruos de "Fire" y "Drake".
Greetings to the entire "Splinterlands" community, today I use a "Life" team and I face a "Water" team, it is a "47 mana" battle and without the "Fire" and "Drake" monsters.


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Ruleset: "Earthquake"

Esta regla establece que los monstruos sin la habilidad "flying" recibirán 2 de daño "melee" al final de cada turno. El secreto para tener éxito en esta regla es usar monstruos con "flying" o "heal", en caso contrario se debe usar monstruos con mucha salud y fuerte daño. Que tu equipo tenga "armor" es fundamental. Si puedes usar a "Brighton Bloom" como invocador sería de mucha ayuda, pero si no debes colocar a tus monstruos con "flying" al final para que "Earthquake" haga daño a los no-flying primero.
This rule states that monsters without the "flying" ability will take 2 "melee" damage at the end of each turn. The secret to being successful in this rule is to use monsters with "flying" or "heal", otherwise you must use monsters with a lot of health and strong damage. That your team has "armor" is essential. If you can use "Brighton Bloom" as a summoner it would be very helpful, but if not you should place your "flying" monsters last so that "Earthquake" deals damage to the non-flying ones first.


Ruleset: "Counterspell"

La regla de batalla "Counterspell" hace todos los monstruos tengan la habilidad "Magic Reflect", lo que permite devolver el daño mágico lanzado. Por lo tanto no escogeré monstruos mágicos en mi alineación para que esta regla de combate no me afecte, solo monstruos cuerpo a cuerpo o arqueros en mi equipo. Las unidades mágicas con "Reflection Shield" no son afectadas por los ataques mágicos reflejados. Y si usamos la habilidad "amplify" el daño de la magia reflejada aumentará.
The "Counterspell" battle rule makes all monsters have the "Magic Reflect" ability, which allows magic damage cast to be returned. Therefore I will not choose magic monsters in my lineup. so this combat rule doesn't affect me, only melee monsters or archers on my team. Magic units with "Reflection Shield" are not affected by reflected magic attacks. And if we use the "amplify" skill, the damage of the reflected magic will increase.


Uso un team "Life" con ataque mixto.

Mi invocador es "Ilthain" que da "+1 speed" y "Return Fire" a todos mis monstruos.
Mi tanque es "Uriel The Purifier" con "flying" y "recharge", será muy ágil contra ataques "melee" o "ranged" y
posee un poderoso ataque y excelente salud y armadura.
Mi segundo monstruo es "Corsair Bosun" con "reach" y "Reflection Shield", atacará desde la segunda posición.
Mi tercer monstruo es "Adelade Brightwing" con "flying" y "repair", se encargará de restaurar el "armor" de mi tanque.

I use a "Life" team with mixed attack.

My summoner is "Ilthain" who gives "+1 speed" and "Return Fire" to all my monsters.
My tank is "Uriel The Purifier" with "flying" and "recharge", it will be very agile against "melee" or "ranged" attacks and
It has a powerful attack and excellent health and armor.
My second monster is "Corsair Bosun" with "reach" and "Reflection Shield", it will attack from the second position.
My third monster is "Adelade Brightwing" with "flying" and "repair", it will be responsible for restoring the "armor" of my tank.


Ubico un sanador, un "shatter" y un "opportunity".

Mi cuarto monstruo es "Venari Crystalsmith" con "tank heal", se encargará de sanar a mi tanque.
Después he ubicado a "War Pegasus" con "flying" y "shatter", su misión será destruir el "armor" del tanque enemigo.
Y mi último monstruo es "Celestial Harpy" con "flying" y "opportunity", su objetivo será el monstruo enemigo con menor salud.

I place a healer, a shatter and an opportunity.

My fourth monster is "Venari Crystalsmith" with "tank heal", it will be in charge of healing my tank.
Then I have placed "War Pegasus" with "flying" and "shatter", its mission will be to destroy the "armor" of the enemy tank.
And my last monster is "Celestial Harpy" with "flying" and "opportunity", its target will be the enemy monster with the lowest health.


Me enfrenté a un team "Water" con ataque mixto.

Mi rival está usando a "Kelya Frendul" de "nivel 2" como invocador, este dará "+1 armor" y "+1 speed" a todos sus monstruos.
Su tanque es "Diemonshark" con "trample", atacará al siguiente monstruo si elimina al primero.
En la segunda posición está "Gargoya Lion" de "nivel 3" y "gold" con "flying", será mu ágil contra los ataques "melee" y "ranged".
En la tercera posición está "Djinn Oshannus" con "void", muy resistente a ataques mágicos y con buena velocidad y salud.
Su cuarto monstruo es "Nerissa Tridawn" con gran poder mágico y excelente salud.
Después tiene a "Gargoya Devil" de "nivel 2" con "flying" y "close range", será muy ágil contra los ataques "melee" y "ranged" y
además podrá seguir atacando cuando esté en la primera posición.
Y su último monstruo es "Pelacor Bandit" de "nivel 3" y "gold", un "sneak" que atacará a mi último monstruo.

I faced a "Water" team with a mixed attack.

My opponent is using "Kelya Frendul" of "level 2" as a summoner, this will give "+1 armor" and "+1 speed" to all his monsters.
His tank is "Diemonshark" with "trample", he will attack the next monster if you kill the first one.
In second position is "Gargoya Lion" of "level 3" and "gold" with "flying", it will be very agile against "melee" and "ranged" attacks.
In third position is "Djinn Oshannus" with "void", very resistant to magical attacks and with good speed and health.
His fourth monster is "Nerissa Tridawn" with great magic power and excellent health.
Then you have "Gargoya Devil" of "level 2" with "flying" and "close range", it will be very agile against "melee" and "ranged" attacks and
In addition, he can continue attacking when he is in the first position.
And his last monster is "Pelacor Bandit" of "level 3" and "gold", a "sneak" that will attack my last monster.


Ronda 1

"Uriel The Purifier" resiste muy bien y solo "Celestial Harpy" está a punto de caer.

Round 1

"Uriel The Purifier" holds up very well and only "Celestial Harpy" is close to falling.


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Ronda 2

"Diemonshark" y "Gargoya Devil" cayeron ante mis guerreros y ahora "Djinn Oshannus" está en la primera posición.

Round 2

"Diemonshark" and "Gargoya Devil" fell to my warriors and now "Djinn Oshannus" is in first position.


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Ronda 3

"Gargoya Devil" y "Pelacor Bandit" son los únicos que quedan en pie.

Round 3

"Gargoya Devil" and "Pelacor Bandit" are the only ones left standing.


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Ronda 4

La batalla está ganada y solo queda rematar.

Round 4

The battle is won and all that remains is to finish it off.


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¿Funciono mi estrategia? ¿Qué intentaré diferente la próxima vez?.

Mi estrategia dio resultados, usar monstruos con "flying" me protegió de "Earthquake" y "War Pegasus" fue muy útil
al destruir el "armor" del tanque enemigo.
La próxima vez usaré un team "Drake" con muchos monstruos con "flying".

Strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

My strategy paid off, using monsters with "flying" protected me from "Earthquake" and "War Pegasus" was very useful
by destroying the "armor" of the enemy tank.
Next time I will use a "Drake" team with many flying monsters.



Si aún no juegas "Splinterlands", puedes registrarte con mi enlace.
If you don't play "Splinterlands" yet, you can sign up with my link.


La traducción se hizo con / The translation was done with:



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