Brawl Report #76 - Losing most of my fights


Splinterland Brawls are a guild event where you can earn merits and SPS. This post serves as a way for me to review how my fights went and as a reminder to sign up for the next brawl. I have missed brawls in the past and it hurts when Gladius cards can now be used in ranked battles using the soulbound summoners. Rebellion has also changed the battles and I keep losing my fights recently. It's the first time in a while but I lost a lot this round.

Brawl Result

I chose the gold foil modern brawl and got 3 wins. There were 2 guilds that did not assign a participant in my brawl so there were 2 free wins. My rewards for the brawl were 3,111 merits and 21.357 SPS in the 3 star category. My guild ranked 6th place out of the 9 guilds there. I choose to take the gold foil modern brawl because my guild usually doesn't fill all their spots and I prefer to give my other guild members a chance at the brawls. We didn't rank that well this time around.

Brawl fights

There were 1 fights that I won, 2 won due to surrender, and 6 that I lost. So I included an idea of what the match was below along with a few thoughts about it.

You can find the first match here. I lost this match but the magic damage and tank heal was too much for me. I couldn't kill my enemy fast enough so my monsters died.

You can find the second match here. I won this match because my summoner reduced the magic damage and my ranged monsters were quite fast. Due to this, I was able to deal enough damage as my tankier monsters delayed my opponent.

You can find the third match here. I lost this match because of the fast sneak monsters that my opponent had. There wasn't much I could do when my opponent took out most of my backline monsters.

You can find the fourth match here. I lost this match and my monsters were too slow. My opponent had a Gobson and I couldn't really deal enough damage against my opponent because I missed quite a few attacks.

You can find the fifth match here. I lost this match and the taunt monster combined with the bloodlust monster was too much for me. My opponent just slowly whittled down my monster and the repair kept my opponent alive.


You can find the sixth match here. I lost this match and the marytr just buffed my opponent too much. I couldn't outlast that buffed up Gargoya Lion.

You can find the seventh match here. I lost this match because of my opponent's summoner and return fire. That counter damage just added up over time and I lost the match.


I think doing 7 fights for 3,056 merits and 26.556 SPS is a good reward for the effort. I didn't do so well and my guild didn't do so well. They did not place people in the empty spots so we lost a few extra points and I did say that a few inactive people were removed. It does look like they will try to keep the brawl spots filled so we can get those easy points. It looks like we are moving back to 4 star brawls

Are you taking part in Guild Brawls?

Feel free to leave a comment if you read my post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Brawls are the best. I am doing the alpha beta one, and sometimes I lose the most, and sometimes I win all of them, so random.


Some of your opponent had stronger summoners for the level you're playing in the fray, sometimes I feel the capability of one's opponent playing in a power level is often a disadvantage, but at least you got one opponent to flee.


The game didn’t go very well today
Well, I’m glad you’re improving due to your previous reports
Everyday nah no be a good day
Go harder!


How are you doing?
Your brawl battles are intense. Impressive lineup in the arena
Do you have a preference between renting or buying SPS?
Have a great end of season in Splinterlands
