Treasurers Voting is Started in Splinterlands


Hello People,

Hope the day is going well for you and it's going well for me also.

I got to know about the treasures programme in splinterlands and I think it is a good initiative in which 11 people will be playing a crucial role for sps DAO. DAO is an important part of this project and I am still trying to figure out more about it. I often say that there are so many things that I'm not aware of and sps DAO is another thing that surely needs more time for me to have a better understanding. In a nutshell or I can say in simple words it's SPS fund management for the project where these selected treasures will be playing an important role in any expenses or decision-making.


The voting page can be accessed at and also for more about this proposal. This is a very informative place where you can see the posts created by these applicants. I have voted for some of the applicants and I'm hoping that they will be part of the 11 Treasures. I believe that we should read the post first before voting for them. I don't know them and only a couple of names are familiar to me but I have gone through their post. They have explained about themselves and also what they are going to do if selected so it gives a clear picture of how our vote will be used. This is also a system to make the game better and for the betterment of the game, we should cast the vote.



The right sets of people are required to be chosen for treasure roles and you never know if in future there will be more power to them which will be good for the project. Again I can say that I'm not aware of the technical part but on the face of it it looks good. I am expecting that this will be a good initiative by the team to move towards decentralisation where the power is given to the community. It is given to the community because these people are from the community and they are not part of a team. decentralisation means when the team and cofounders are not involved in decision-making. More power is given to the player's community and not to the founders. decentralisation also means that power doesn't stay in one hand instead it is distributed among many so that the misuse of power is least possible.



It is worth checking out these applicants who have applied for the treasurer role. These days the game is trying to make money things right and I hope this happens because this is what the team is trying to achieve. I hope this game grows a lot in this bull cycle I'm not pro in the game but still, I like the game a lot and I see more potential in this project. There are so many good things in this gaming project that I have never heard before and this is what makes splinterlands better the any other game in a similar segment. It is also expected from the community that people who play to earn will be even bigger in this cycle but I don't know because I was not part of the crypto world when the last cycle was there.

Declaration- Have used images/dividers from the splinterlands wherever the source is not mentioned in this post and these are not mine.

I am part of the game so if you are not and want to be part of it, please use my link-

Thanks for stopping by

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