

Their ship drifted through the calm seas, its main mast having been decimated by the last volley from the Portal Spinners that lined the enemy frigate. Captain Johan lifted the eyeglass and scanned about them. - From BAAKJIRA
Collection: Chaos Legion
Total Edition(s): 100
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Edition #
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splinterlands 8 Private 5000 SPT ($0.304)
splinterlands 9 Private 5000 SPT ($0.304)
splinterlands 10 Private 5000 SPT ($0.304)
splinterlands 11 Private 5000 SPT ($0.304)
splinterlands 12 Private 5000 SPT ($0.304)
splinterlands 14 Private 5000 SPT ($0.304)
splinterlands 15 Private 5000 SPT ($0.304)
Per Page:
@donekim bought edition #7 from @splinterlands for 5000.000 SPT
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@druidsblood bought edition #13 from @splinterlands for 5000.000 SPT
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@druidsblood bought edition #6 from @splinterlands for 5000.000 SPT
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@abrockman bought edition #5 from @splinterlands for 5000.000 SPT
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@abrockman bought edition #4 from @splinterlands for 5000.000 SPT
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@abrockman bought edition #3 from @splinterlands for 5000.000 SPT
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@fighter4-freedom bought edition #2 from @splinterlands for 5000.000 SPT
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@fighter4-freedom bought edition #1 from @splinterlands for 5000.000 SPT
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@splinterlands tokenized 100 editions
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