Changes Ahead: WWE SmackDown's Move to USA Network


Hey there lovely people of the Hive Universe! It's your wrestling boy P, always happy to bring you content and updates on everything WWE, WOOGame, and Wrestling Worldwide

It is true that WWE SmackDown will be returning back to the USA Network earlier than expected. The move is scheduled for September 13th

Confirmation of the move was made by a tweet from USA network. It felt like it was a promise of thrilling wrestling nights when I read those words,

‘Starting in September and through the end of 2024, @USANetwork will serve as the exclusive linear home of @WWE Monday Night RAW and @WWE SmackDown, which returns on September 13.’

The use of USA Network as “exclusive linear home” for WWE programming until end year 2024 signifies uncompromised support towards WWE’s best wrestling talents.

But it doesn’t stop there; this tweet also contains news that NXT will shift to CW in October. This action all builds anticipation and curiosity.

However will NXT do on its new home?

Will they still entertain their audience with their style of wrestling?

These and others now make people look forward more eagerly to WWE’s change in programme.

Being a fan, I can’t help but wonder the talks and negotiations that took place behind closed doors to facilitate such movements. Television deals and network partnerships are intriguing with regard to wrestling as they are often used in shaping the same.

Looking forward, SmackDown’s move to the USA Network could create infinite possibilities. The show might now reach new levels of popularity if it was able to tap into its expanded viewership base and exploit cross-promotional opportunities.

However, every change always has some uncertainties associated with it. Will the shift affect viewership on Fridays?

How will loyal fans cope with this new routine?

These questions are valid, but I prefer looking at things from a positive side. Sometimes change brings up innovative ideas as well as fresh perspectives; thus through WWE SmackDown’s shifting to the USA Network, I think that the show will be revived.

September 13 is around the corner. Let us start counting down!

Let me know your thoughts in the comments section below!

Thanks for reading, y'all!



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