Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!


Hello friends how are you all today in Splinterlands Social Media Challenge! But I am about to write a post. Which is going to be very useful for you. There are many new users who do not understand how to write a post, such a user is going to understand how to write my post. Because they do not know from where they should write. If you read this post of mine, then you have come to understand from where to write. And friends, we all hope that the year 2023 should be good for every crypto user. Because 2022 has been a bad year for everyone. And there is hope in this year when we saw a little pump in the market.


Friends, today you have a very good card from Splinterlands, whose name is Diemonshark. Today I am going to tell you about that. Which you are going to like. You know there are thousands of cards in Splinterlands. But many people do not know which card works for what. That's why I am going to tell you about Diemonshark today. Friends, this card is a water RARE card. This card is considered to be 8 and health is 7 and 6 is sealed. And Attack is of 2 and Speed is of 4. Friends, this card is good because this card has Sealed and Speed is also good. This is the best card in my opinion. which you can use. If you want to buy this card, then you get this card in 1st level for 738 dec, and 448 credits. Friends, you know that now everyone's price has come down a lot in the bear market. That's why you are getting this card so cheap. If you want to upgrade this card to level 8, then you will need 115 cards. Friends, you know that whenever a card's level is up, its health and attack increases.

Friends, let me give you information about the cards that I had taken in the battle.

General Sloan.jpg

First of all I took GENERAL SLOAN RARE Life Summoner. Which is a sumner of 4 mana. Whose work is to increase the attack power of the cards that attack with the Axe. Friends, when I wanted to use this summoner, I did not know that this card does this work. But when I came to know how to use it, I also felt that this GENERAL SLOAN RARE Life is very useful.


SHIELDBEARER card is a very good card. This card is a card of 8 mana, it has 4 sealed and health 9, and it has 2 attack and 2 speed. Friends, we have to take such a card in our battle, with the help of which other cards get some time and we can win the battle. That's why I have chosen this card.

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LUMINOUS EAGLE is a life card, friends, when you see this card, you only see an eagle. And it also works like an eagle. Friends, this card is of 6 mana and 5 health, and attack is of 2 and 3 is its speed. Friends, this card attack is also done by being flying. Just friends, you have to keep this card in the last, so that it can attack more.

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GARGOYA SCRAPPER is a life card that I use to save my other cards. Because friends, this card is of 1 mana. That's why I prefer to have this card in my battles whenever I get a chance.

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STITCH LEECH is a life card. Whenever you see this card, it looks like a flower to you. Friends, this card is of 3 mana, 3 health, 2 attacks, and 1 speed. Friends, you can take this card in a low value battle. This is a flying attack card.

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FURIOUS CHICKEN is the RARE Neutral card. Which you can take in any summoner. This is a 0 mana card, which does not consume any mana, so you can take it in any of your battles.

Pelacor Arbalest.jpg

PELACOR ARBALEST is a life card, a 6 mana card, and a 2 health card. And Attack is of 2 and Speed is of 2. When you this card, this card makes a double attack. And its attack gets doubled in this summon. I really like this card.






Friends, I had to play 28 agreed battles, so I used life's summoner first, after that I took my best life's cards. Which were very good. After that the battle started. Once I felt that I am going to win this battle very easily but because of the rule, I have lost this battle. Friends, this is a part of a game, some win, some lose. That's why friends, never be disappointed. There is no harm to us in anything. That's why play back, you will win.

my battle link : - https://splinterlands.com?p=battle&id=sl_487396dd2c2b51ef82d2a11ef16f1fe2&ref=arsh11
