Splinterlands Battle | Stone Golem.


Splinterlands Battle | Stone Golem.

Welcome to my blog where I'll share my winning battle with Stone Golem.

Edited with PixelLab.

Stone Golem (RARE Earth Monster).

The Stone Golems that reside around the Crags of Maglar are quite terrifying to any stranger who wanders into their domain. In spite of the sheer power and weight of them, these Golems are surprisingly gentle and peaceful. A good day for a Stone Golem is one in which he did a lot of heavy lifting. Lore.

A Brief Info About The Battle

The battle mana cap was 29 with the "Standard" rule where I've used the earth splinter and my opponent used the fire splinter against me.

My Lineup.


I had Stone Golem with a melee attack and "Shield" ability at the 1st position, Orc Sergeant with a melee attack and "Reach" ability at the 2nd position, Centauri Mage with a magic attack and "Return Fire" ability at the 3rd position, Goblin Dartling with a ranged attack at the 4th position, Barking Spider with a ranged attack at the 5th position & Earth Elemental with a range attack at the last position.

And my opponent had his/her cards as Cerberus with 2 melee attacks and "Heal" ability at the 1st position, Living Lava with 3 melee attacks and "Shield" ability at the 2nd position, Giant Orc with a melee attack and "Flying & Reach" abilities at the 3rd position, Elven Cutthroat with a melee attack and "Sneak" ability at the 4th position, Serpentine Spy with 2 melee attacks and "Opportunity" ability at the 5th position & Goblin Shaman with "Weaken" ability at the last position.

Let me talk about monsters that I used in this battle.

No 01: Stone Golem (RARE Earth Monster)

The Stone Golems that reside around the Crags of Maglar are quite terrifying to any stranger who wanders into their domain. In spite of the sheer power and weight of them, these Golems are surprisingly gentle and peaceful. A good day for a Stone Golem is one in which he did a lot of heavy lifting. Lore.

I've used Stone Golem in level 1 which offers me 1 melee attack, 1 speed, 2 shields & 6 health with the "Shield" ability and it needs 5 mana to play.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

No 02: Orc Sergeant (Common Earth Monster)

This is a nice orc from the earth splinter that can be used both in big mana and small mana battles and it can be a great supporter for some battles. As it's a melee attacker with "Reach" ability, so it's better to be used in the second position so that it can attack smoothly.

I used my Orc Sergeant in level 1 with 1 melee attack, 2 speeds, 6 health with "Reach" ability and it needs 5 mana to play.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

No 03: CENTAURI MAGE (RARE Earth Monster)

Centauri Mage is a very powerful monster of the earth splinter. This monster is half woman and half horse like we watched in some movies in our childhood. It has a magical stick with what it throws it attacks, I guess. I like this monster so much for its big health and magic attack with the "Return Fire" ability.

My Centauri Mage is in level 1 with 1 magic attack, 3 speeds, 9 health with "Return Fire" ability, and it needs 7 mana.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

No 04: Goblin Dartling (Common Earth Monster)

This is a smart goblin with a weird gun on hand from the earth splinter. That little gun shoot darts and the small-framed goblins are never prepared for the recoil of the dart guns and they might become helpful on the battlefield wasting only 2 mana and at the same time, they don't offer that much of a support.

My Goblin Dartling is in level 1 with 1 ranged attack, 2 speed, 2 health and it needs 2 mana to play.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

No 05: Barking Spider (Common Earth Monster)

This is a ranged attacker of earth splinter with blind ability at level 6 which I try to use almost in every battle that I play with earth splinter and if it's available for that battle.

I've used Barking Spider in level 1 with 1 ranged attack, 2 speed & 4 health and it needs 4 mana to do a battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

No 06: Earth Elemental (Rare Earth Monster)

If you're a fan of the Marvel cinematic universe then you should've remembered the character "Groot" after seeing this monster as they're so similar with their looks. Every time I used to do a battle using the earth splinter, I tried to use this monster as I got nice support from this monster. I had this monster at a higher level before when it had better powers and now when it's in a lower level with fewer powers, still it's proving to be a nice asset. Its "Heal" ability is what makes it far better and that ability unlocks at level 4 with 11 cards.

I've used Earth Elemental in level 1 with 1 ranged attack, 1 speed, 6 health and it needs 3 mana to play.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

On the battlefield.

For a better experience, you may watch the battle direct from the splinterlands official website from the link below.

Link to the battle.


For the special buff of my summoner, all my monsters got the "Thorns" ability, and for the special buff of my opponent's summoner, 5 opponent monsters got +1 melee attack each. Then for the special "Weaken" ability of the opponent's Goblin Shaman, all my monsters that had more than 1 health, lost 1 health each.

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Then... for being the most speed holder, my Centauri Mage started the battle with the first attack and killed 1 bhealth of my opponent's Cerberus with the starting shot, then after healing the health of its own, my opponents Cerberus attacked and destroyed the whole shield of my Stone Golem and my Stone Golem then returned back the attack with the "Thorns" ability that it got from the summoner and killed 2 health of the opponent's Cerberus. Then the opponent's Serpentine Spy attacked and killed my Goblin Dartling for good and my Goblin Dartling threw its "Thorns" and the opponent's Serpentine Spy also had to leave the battlefield at that moment. Then the opponent's Elven Cutthroat attacked and killed 2 health of my Earth Elemental and in return, my Earth Elemental attacked and killed the opponent's Elven Cutthroat for good with "Thorns". Then first, my Barking Spider then my Earth Elemental, and then my Orc Sergeant one after another attacked the opponent's Cerberus and the opponent monster had to leave the battlefield for good and the opponent's Living Lava then came forward to the first position and it attacked and killed 2 health of my Stone Golem and my Stone Golem used the "Thorns" and destroyed 1 shield of the attacker. Then my Stone Golem attacked the opponent's Living Lava with 1 melee but the opponent monster had the "Shield" ability so it didn't lose any health or shield.

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There came a new round where my Centauri Mage attacked and killed 1 health of my opponent's Living Lava and then my Barking Spider attacked the opponent's Living Lava and the opponent monster prevented the attack with its "Shield". Then the opponent's Giant Roc attacked and killed 1 health of my Stone Golem and my Stone Golem killed 2 health of the attacker with "Thorns". Then my Orc Sergeant, Earth Elemental, and Stone Golem one after another attacked the opponent's Living Lava but the opponent monster didn't lose anything as it prevented all those attacks with its "Shield". Then the opponent's Living Lava attacked and killed my Stone Golem for good and before leaving the battlefield, my Stone Golem used the "Thorns" ability and destroyed the rest of the shield of the opponent's Living Lava and my Orc Sergeant then came forward to the first position.

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There came another new round and my Centauri Mage again attacked first and killed 1 health of the opponent's Living Lava. Then my Barking Spider and Orc Sergeant one after another attacked the opponent's Living Lava but the opponent monster didn't lose anything as it prevented all those attacks with its "Shield" again. Then the opponent's Giant Roc attacked and killed 2 health of my Orc Sergeant and my Orc Sergeant avenged this attack with the "Thorns" and killed the opponent monster for good. Then after my Earth Elemental attacked and failed to kill any health of the opponent's Living Lava, the Living Lava then attacked and killed my Orc Sergeant and before leaving the battlefield, my Orc Sergeant used the "Thorns" and killed 1 health of the opponent's Living Lava.

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There came another new round where my Centauri Mage attacked and killed 1 health of the opponent's Living Lava. Then both my Barking Spider and Earth Elemental one after another attacked the opponent's Living Lava but nothing happened. Then the opponent's Living Lava attacked and killed 4 health of my Centauri Mage with 1 shot and my Centauri Mage killed 1 health of the opponent's Living Lava as well with the "Thorns". There came another new round where my Centauri Mage attacked and killed the opponent's Centauri Mage for good and the opponent's only monster Goblin Shaman came forward to the first position and it was a monster without any attack power. First, my Barking Spider and then my Earth Elemental attacked and killed 2 health of the opponent monster and then there came the last round. Now first my Centauri Mage and then my Barking Spider one after another attacked the opponent monster the opponent team had to leave the battlefield for good.

The battle finished in round 6 while my team had 3 monsters alive. All my monsters did great on the battlefield.

Battle Results


By playing this battle, I won +20 League Rating only.

If you're interested in playing the splinterlands game then you should start it.
Here is the link to the official websites which is also my affiliate link.

Photos of the thumbnail and other splinterlands related photos and sentences are properties of splinterlands and the above GIFs were created through EZGif.

** The End **

"Be Good, Think Good and Do Good"

"Stay Home, Stay Safe & Let's Beat Corona".


Good strategy...i actually said the Golem was obsolete on my post but with those thorns from Mylor I bet it kick ass !PIZZA


Thanks for the pizza.
