My battle against Mimosa NightShade


Mimosa NighShade is a great Legendary summoner from Death splinter. She has three negative debuff. Reducing ranged attack damage by 1, Reducing incoming magic damage by half and applying Affliction effect on all monsters from opponent's team.


My line up

SummonerTyrus Paladium+1 armor
Position 1Clay GolemVoid
Position 2Crystal WerewolfSilence
Position 3Divine HealerTank Heal
Position 4Pelacor ArbalestDouble Strike
Position 5Furious ChickenNone
Position 6Garoya ScrapperVoid

When I checked his battle history, I have seen he used magic monsters a lot. So I used Clay Golem + Crystal Werewolf to weaken his magic attacks. I am also expecting his backline attack so I put Garoya Scrapper in last position and Furious Chicken in fifth position. I choose Pelacor Arbalest as primary damage dealer because he has Double Strike ability. But now Clay Golem became primary damage dealer for my team.

In my opponents team primary damage dealer is Cthulhu. But it can only deal 1 magic damage to Clay Golem because of Void + Silence ability. Its Cripple ability is also useless because Affliction ability is already apply on my monsters and Tank Heal ability are useless.


His Skeleton Warrior is almost invincible. Its has Shield ability but also got Void ability from his summoner. It would be invincible for the monster that has only one damage for both physical and magic type.

I can tip 16 pieces of PIZZA per day right now. So everyone who comment on my post will get a slice of PIZZA.

Disclaimer: I copied above image from @mcgilli.


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@mmunited aka @beyondhorizonmm
