Splinterlands SPS airdrop milestone met



With just a touch over 100 days remaining on the SPS airdrop I hit my first savings goal

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✅ Goal – Hold more than 100 SPS

My piece of the daily SPS airdrop is small potatoes, but I set myself a goal of reaching 100 total tokens and as of the other day I hit that goal 🎉 It doesn't seem that long ago that I started playing and watched my daily fraction of a token drop into my account. I had no clue how the system worked or how I would ever reach double digits, let alone one hundred.

Fast forward to today and a majority of my 16,000 plus airdrop points come from my Collection Power. My other goal, of reaching 15K CP and being able to reach Silver III without renting, has the secondary benefit of helping me gain over 1 SPS a day.

I tend to keep a low DEC balance as I find a way to spend it as fast as I earn it 😀 I hold a few packs, but those points also tend to drain as I gain enough potions to open them. The last category I have some skin in the game is Splitertalk Tokens. Every four SPT tokens that I stake I gain another airdrop point.

It's that simple. Do the things that I would be doing anyway to progress in the game and gain more airdrop points. That makes sense as the Splinterlands team clearly states here "The primary goal of the token is to reward Splinterlands players and asset holders..."

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Beyond the Airdrop

There is still over 100 days left in the airdrop so it may be premature to look beyond it, but the story doesn't end when the airdrop goes away. In fact only 13.33% of the tokens are planned to be allocated to the airdrop. 30% will be allocated to player rewards and another 30% will be allocated to those who stake. While the airdrop is limited to 12 months, the player and stake rewards are planned to be over a 65 month period.

The Splinterlands team clearly have a lot of utility planned for SPS. The more we can all accumulate now, the better we will be set to take part in all the additional ways to earn down the road.

My Recent Posts:

🎁 Splinterlands Giveaway #6 - Choices - My sixth Splinterlands giveaway with a choice of prizes.

🐉 Demoralize Your Opponents for the Win - Disintegrator - My latest entry into the Splinterlands Share Your Battle Weekly Challenge

🍕 Spring is in the Air - Check out my method for making pizza on the grill

Games I'm Playing on the Blockchain:

🐲 If you are not yet playing Splinterlands, give it a go here!

🎵 Are you playing Rising Star yet? Give it a try HERE


Thumbnail created by me using Canva

Thanks for reading!


Since DEC is down so much now, I think you are wise not to be holding DEC. Turning it into CardPower to gain more SPS seems a good path. I forgot about #spt I need to push those numbers to gain some SPS.
