Splinterlands: Card Purchasing Tips and Collection Power


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This short video is a beginners guide to understanding power and DEC/burn values in Splinterlands. The video will also provide insight on how to determine power through rarity, foil type, and edition/card sets. Additionaly, there is a number of helpful tips and tricks to make sure you're getting the best out of your purchases when taking power into consideration. I have also created a helpful chart which provides the latest information for power, even including the upcoming Chaos Legion set.

NOTE: The example in this video for league collection power is for gold specifically, - the power amounts will ofcourse change depending on which league you are attempting to reach (e.g. bronze, silver, gold, diamond, champion).

In regards to reward cards, you just need to look at what set they came from and then correlate that with the chart and corresponding power points.

It is also worth mentioning that 1 collection power is equivalent to an allocation of 1 airdrop reward points. Thus, the higher your collection power, the more air drop rewards you will receive.

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