3 useful (and cheap) neutral cards in silver league [ENG - ES]


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Mantoid is an excellent card to complement the water deck. And it is cause the snipe ability is very scarce in this deck. There are only two other cards that have this ability in the aquatic universe: Pirate Captain and Sniping Narwhal. And, it goes without saying that it is an essential skill in battles in which, with the arrival of Chaos Legion, it is very likely to find rivals who enhance their magical or archery skills.

Mantoid es una excelente carta para complementar el mazo de agua. Y es que la habilidad snipe es muy escasa en este mazo. Solo hay dos cartas más que posean esta habilidad en el universo acuático: Pirate Captain y Sniping Narwhal. Y, no hace falta recordar que es una habilidad indispensable en unos combates en los que, con la llegada de Chaos Legion, es muy probable encontrar enfrente rivales que potencien sus habilidades mágicas o arqueras.

It has a mana cost of six points, maybe a bit high, but it grants two points of ranged attack with two points of speed and a significant five points of life. At level 5 it adds a point to each of these three skills and, if we improve it to level 6, it adds the snare skill, making it difficult for rivals who propose a battle with flying skill.

Tiene un coste de mana de seis puntos, quizá un poco elevado, pero otorga dos puntos de ataque a distancia con dos puntos de velocidad y unos importantes cinco puntos de vida. En el nivel 5 suma un punto a cada una de esas tres habilidades y, si lo mejoramos al nivel 6, suma la habilidad snare, complicando a los rivales que propongan una batalla con habilidad voladora.

In the example battle, the speed and shield bonus provided by Kelya is important. His performance in battle is key as he attacks the opposing healer and takes down Kulu in the next round thus paving the way for the team to victory.

En la batalla de ejemplo, el extra de velocidad y escudo aportado por Kelya es importante. Su desempeño en la batalla es clave al atacar al sanador rival y acabar con Kulu en la siguiente ronda allanando así el camino del equipo hacia la victoria.




Uraeus could not be missing from this small list. One of those cheap and versatile cards that we all have, or should have, in our decks. In my case I have it at level 2 providing two attack points and being one of my favorites in terms of Sneak ability. In the water deck I like the couple that Uraeus and Deeplurker make from the second line, punishing the rival rearguard. There are five points of damage per round that are not negligible.

No podía faltar Uraeus en este pequeño listado. Una de esas cartas barata y versatil que todos tenemos, o deberíamos tener, en nuestros mazos. En mi caso la tengo en nivel 2 aportando dos puntos de ataque y siendo uno de mis fijos en cuanto a habilidad Sneak se refiere. En el mazo de agua me gusta la pareja que hacen Uraeus y Deeplurker desde la segunda línea castigando la retaguardia rival. Son cinco puntos de daño por ronda que no son nada despreciables.

In this battle I present a lineup with two tanks that have protection against magical attacks, ideal against the lineup proposed by the rival, Djinn Oshanus punishing the rival tank with his magic, two cards with snipe ability to clean up the rival rearguard and a healer to increase the duration of my tanks on the battlefield. Once Mycelic Slipspawn is taken care of, the damage kicks in and victory falls to my side with ease. The Pelacor Bandit - Uraeus pair are cleaning, round by round, the last enemy.

En esta batalla presento una alineación con dos tanques que tienen protección ante ataques mágicos, ideal ante la alineación planteada por el rival, Djinn Oshanus castigando al tanque rival con su magia, dos cartas con habilidad snipe para ir limpiando la retaguardia rival y un sanador para aumentar la duración de mis tanques en el campo de batalla. Una vez que liquidamos a Mycelic Slipspawn comienza el daño y la victoria se decanta de mi lado con facilidad. La pareja Pelacor Bandit - Uraeus van limpiando, ronda a ronda, al último enemigo.




To finish off one of those cards that doesn't particularly stand out but that I use in very specific low mana conditions. And I use it in both my water and health decks where its 6 health does a lot of damage with Mylor as summoner. It has a modest attack of only one point, but a speed of 3 that becomes 4 with Kelya Frendul. Another of its strong points is that at level 2 it gains the Heal ability, increasing its playability in a card that only costs 4 mana points.

Para acabar una de esas cartas que no destaca especialmente pero que yo utilizo en condiciones muy concretas de poco mana. Y la uso tanto en mi mazo de agua como de vida donde sus 6 puntos de vida hacen mucho daño teniendo a Mylor de invocador. Tiene un ataque modesto de solo un punto, pero una velocidad de 3 que se convierte en 4 con Kelya Frendul. Otro de sus puntos fuertes es que ya a nivel 2 gana la habilidad de Heal, aumentando su jugabilidad en una carta que solo tiene un coste de 4 puntos de mana.

My use in this battle is simple. Tank to protect Djinn so that he can punish with his magic in the first rounds. It allowed Djinn to get to the second round intact and the poison condition did the rest. A "free" card like Xenith Monk and one of the cheapest legendary cards in the game easily beat a rival that had Spirit Hoarder and Queen Mycelia, two very interesting legendary cards.

El uso que le doy en esta batalla es simple. Tanque para proteger a Djinn y que esté pueda castigar con su magia en las primeras rondas. Permitió llegar a Djinn intacto a la segunda ronda y la condición de veneno hizo el resto. Una carta "gratis" como es Xenith Monk y una de las legendarias más baratas del juego vencieron confacilidad a un rival que contaba con Spirit Hoarder y Queen Mycelia, dos legendarias muy interesantes.



Three interesting and cheap cards that complement and work well in almost any deck. In fact Mantoid and Xenith Monk are Starter cards, that is, free and Uraeus is one of the cheapest epic cards in the game. When I post this review it barely costs $0.55. For just over 2 dollars you can already have it at level 2 adding one more point of damage.

Tres cartas interesantes y baratas que complementan y funcionan bien en casi cualquier mazo. De hecho Mantoid Y Xenith Monk son cartas Starter, es decir, gratuitas y Uraeus es una de las cartas épicas más baratas del juego. Cuando publico esta reseña apenas cuesta 0.55 dolares. Por poco más de 2 dolares ya la puedes tener en nivel 2 sumando un punto más de daño. .

I hope this brief review has been interesting for you and gives you a new point of view on the use of some of these cards. How do you use them? Did you find them useful? Leave me your opinion in the comments.

Espero que esta breve reseña te haya sido interesante y te aporte un nuevo punto de vista al uso de alguna de esta cartas. ¿Tú como las usas? ¿Te han parecido útiles? Déjame tu opinión en los comentarios.

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All the images in this article are credited to splinterlands.com and cover made with canva.com


The people doing V2K with remote neural monitoring want me to believe this lady @battleaxe is an operator. She is involved deeply with her group and @fyrstikken . Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. I cant prove she is the one directly doing the V2K and RNM. Doing it requires more than one person at the least. It cant be done alone. She cant prove she is not one of the ones doing it. I was drugged in my home covertly, it ended badly. They have tried to kill me and are still trying to kill me. I bet nobody does anything at all. Ask @battleaxe to prove it. I bet she wont. They want me to believe the V2K and RNM in me is being broadcast from her location. And what the fuck is "HOMELAND SECURITY" doing about this shit? I think stumbling over their own dicks maybe? Just like they did and are doing with the Havana Syndrome.

They are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 years.

What would you say while having a gun pointed at your head from an undisclosed location? Have people find it? My hands are tied while they play like children with a gun to my head. Its a terrorist act on American soil while some yawn and say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and tell them about the day you asked me why. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control with ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers from telling the truth? https://ecency.com/fyrstikken/@fairandbalanced/i-am-the-only-motherfucker-on-the-internet-pointing-to-a-direct-source-for-voice-to-skull-electronic-terrorism
