What In The World Is Going On With Ethereum?


I was browsing through the web and reading up on crypto news, and like many others I use the Brave Browser. It blocks loads of popups and helps me get a bit of my privacy back, while allowing me to earn BAT for dealing with the occasional ad.

I'd accumulated a few hundred tokens and ran across an article describing a partnership between Brave and Splinterlands. I've never played the game, but did get some free? cards back in 2018 and had 47 of them in my account, no idea if they're worth anything. Reading that we could spend BAT for in-game items, I setup the browser wallet and sent 60 something BAT over.

and that's when things got interesting.

Logging into Splinterlands, I was arranging to add the test amount to spend in the store. About $17 worth. The prompt tells me that the gas fee will be something like $904. My Knowledge of Ethereum is limited, so please pardon the question.

But I'd read a news article about these crazy ETH fees, but it was put down to somebody entering the wrong number in the wrong field. So I clicked on "Advanced" and saw the slider near the far right, with faster transaction times costing much more. So I slid that puppy far left and the price dropped down to $216 to send $17 to Splinterlands. Not happening.

Now, I'm sure there must have been something I should have done on my end that may be part of this, but I'll be damned if I know what it is. So, I left the BAT where it was, since it's too expensive to move it. Thank goodness I only tried a small amount as I was able to send the rest to an exchange without the huge fees. I did not know BAT was based off of Etherum, thinking it was it's own token like HIVE or LEO. I know this has something to do with the miners, and I can only hope a solution is found that will benefit everyone.

Thank You So Much!

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They have a solution to that, they call it theta, but theta wants to focus on content delevery nodes, so they don't talk about it much.
Both use solidity, but theta fees are much lower.


That's good news, because I thought I'd done something wrong. At a second try, the same thing happened, so I backed out and didn't complete the Splinterlands transaction.


Gas fees are ridiculous.
I'll be glad once all that functionality is built here.
