What is The Chaos Legion? Down the Rabbit Hole of Lore and Possible Teasers


[Splinterlands recently published a new post] outlining again the presale and SPS mechanics for the new Chaos Legion expansion. If you've been following the updates, there probably isn't too much surprising information in the post itself. Perhaps what's most interesting, is the title and the artwork. Strap in and follow me down this rabbit hole folks...

Splinterlands: The Chaos Legion is Coming!

THE Chaos Legion, not simply Chaos Legion. The difference is subtle, but the extra word indicates the existence of this group and not referring solely to the expansion's name (note that in other references, it's simply Chaos Legion). This is further backed up by the "Banished from Below" lore texts found on the recently released Venari cards:

Now that they live on the surface, the Venari must share the incoming threat of the Chaos Legion, vowing to use every tool and skill at their disposal to protect their home.

Now, what is a legion? If we ask Merriam Webster, it can be defined as "a large military force". At the end of the post, more artwork is included:

That group of ominous warriors, could potentially be THE Chaos Legion.

Between this piece of art, and the one included at the top, it almost looks as though the group is emerging from a portal. But where is it?

The volcano shown might be a match to Bren-Ha, the volcano in the Mortis region.

Given the Untamed edition featured an exploration into The Burning Lands, it seems unlikely that it'd be Molten Mountain. Also the colors and overall feel of the image is dark and could easily be associated with the general theme of the Death Splinter. Again, the "Banished from Below" text lends some credence to this:

Many parts of the caves beneath Molten Mountain lead to the Underworld, as do openings on the surface of the Raysco Mountains of Mortis. The most famous of these openings is the mouth of Monster Mountain and its Dread Hall, wide enough for a marching army in formation.

Still with me? The presence of a group called The Chaos Legion is confirmed, as is a probable entry point to the world from a gateway/portal from the Underworld. But what does it mean?


A possible take is that The Chaos Legion is a common threat to all Splinters, and they have to unite regardless of their differences. Instead of PvP "Arena" battles this almost sounds better suited to...BOSS FIGHTS.

On previous roadmaps, the concept of Boss Fights is mentioned. Could we eventually see a mode where players journey into Dread Hall on raids to take the fight to The Chaos Legion? Would these bosses end up being Belludae?

Dozens of Belludae (ancient demons of war) officers had been taken prisoner, but their fates had yet to be decided. Belludae sorcerers of such a high degree were notoriously difficult to kill, so other plans had to be made.

I wouldn't rule any of this out as eventual updates, but also certainly wouldn't expect that at release of the expansion. At the very least, the Chaos Legion expansion is setting the stage for something massive to come given the current lore.

While this line of thinking is largely focused on The Chaos Legion, it's also worth noting the increased references to the Solar, Lunar, and Dream Splinters - but perhaps that's best saved for another rabbit hole.

So what do you think - am I on the right track? Did I miss something? Let me know in the comments! Thanks for reading!


This is my favorite article of the week! I've long been wondering if they might add another Splinter so early but I think the idea of common enemy style boss fights so so much cooler! This is a fantastic dig into the lore! Thanks!


This game already changed many lives, will continue to do so. It's going to be even more amazing when the "external" media realizes this and finds out what's doing under the scenes for years...

I think when that moment happens I am going to direct a movie of constant laught and joy. 🤣
