Daily Focus Report - Gold II/Silver I - Stealth



The last few weeks I have been pushing hard to get my deck to a decent level for the challenges I face in the Gold League. I was strictly a Silver League player for the past half an year (almost since I started playing the game basically) but I really think that Gold League is the current sweet spot for where I person should be in order to get decent rewards with higher consistency. So I have finally managed to get my CL Summoners to max Gold League level as well as most of the Rare Monsters. I've gotten the Commons to level 7 which is still decent for Gold, and, of course, I am struggling with the Epic and Legendary Monsters for the time being as they require the largest amount of investment. Hopefully I will manage to get them maxed out for Gold sooner rather than later. As you can see I have not necessarily managed to boost my win rate tremendously (currently hanging at exactly 50%) but at least it is no longer under 50%. It's not only about having the cards but also playing the Gold League meta properly as it is definitely different than what the Silver League meta is. Adjustment is always needed for sure.


So, I got to 7 Gold chests today and decided to call it a day. I've seen a lot better yield for Gold but I do actually appreciate the 20 potions I got. 😂

Here's one fun battle from today's grind:


Similar to my main account, I have decided to start moving my Bronze alt account into Silver. I have to say that I am 100% playing this account myself - no bots - so I also put effort into it on a daily basis. It has all the GFs I've gotten from opening packs on my main and I am not renting any cards on this account either. It actually does not have any Silver level cards, however, I have recently discovered that after the first 4-5 days in Bronze, it is really easy to climb in Silver, even Silver I, as the rating you get in Bronze prior to advancing is more than enough for that. That is all thanks to the bots who inflate the rating. This also means that in Siler I am currently facing level 1 bot accounts at ranks over 1,000 which also helps me maintain a great win rate.


Here's an example from my grind today (in Silver I) - a 13-win streak with my Bronze I deck, that should be unheard of, but it is obviously absolutely possible.😄


One of the battles:

The rewards are definitely better than what I get in Bronze that is for sure.

GhostlyBG, over and out


You can check out some other stuff from my recent Splinterlands blogging venture:
