🐉 Dragons Challenge 🐉

Hello dear Splinterlands Community.

This week's battle challenge is about dragon splinter. No specific card was given so we are free to just use the dragon splinter and go for it.

I challenged myself to go a step further, win a battle using dragons only.



With silenced summoner in a low mana ruleset we are free to choose a cheap dragon summoner, the abilities and (de)buffs don't matter. I went for Quix as my main dragon summoner in modern.



In low to mid range mana battles Djinn Chwala is my main tank. For the 8 mana we get lots of health and armor with thorns, melee attack of three and even though it's speed of 2 makes it slow, usually Quix compensates for that by slowing down the other team (well, not in this case but it should still work).

I want to try out Whelp Herder in this battle. For only 3 mana we get opportunity with 2 melee attack and at silver level additionally snare. That makes it great at catching flying units for snare guarantees a hit on those regardless of speed. It also brings them down to earth, they lose their flying ability, which might make it easier for Djinn Chwala to hit them when they reach the front.

All cards come from the most recent editions, Quix and Djinn Chwala are from Chaos Legion and Whelp Herder is from Rift Watchers.

The Battle

Watch The Battle

My opponent had similar thought, going with Djinn Chwala as tank. Though with a different backup, this might turn either way at first glance.

Life Sapper will strike first, gaining health in the process so my Whelp Herder will not take it out in the first round. This will allow the Life Sapper to strike at least twice, taking away 4 health from my tank since magic attacks surpass armor. Will that be the deciding factor?

Another difference in today's post: I will not spoil the ending for you, if you want to know if this works, click the link above. 😉

My Take on Dragons

I love playing the dragon splinter. They team up with one of the others so basically you enrich your lineup with some dragons. Combined with neutrals this gives you the most variety to choose your cards.

There are some heavy hitters in the dragon splinter and good tanks, as well as low mana filler cards with special abilities that come in handy depending on the ruleset.

Building up a good dragon deck ranks second just after the neutrals as once you are familiar with them you will play them more often than you might think.

Header image used from battle challenge post.
Card images from Splinterlands.
All other images are screenshots from the game.


I am starting to love those Dragon cards like you said, they have an interesting mix of cards and are becoming fun to use.

Great battle, the Whelp Herder looks a interesting card!


Thank you. Indeed it is.
Glad you found interest in them, enjoy the ride :-)
