My Battle With Scarred Llama Mage And Undying Kron


Hello players, fighting with scarred llama mage and undying kron is somehow very tiring.
Hmmm! Am telling you is not easy for me. The first time I saw a scarred llama mage in battle, I was wondering how to defeat the monster. I did not win 99% of my battle the first season I fought with scarred llama mage. From that moment I was confused about which monster to use in the battles because I never can tell if the next player I am pairing with is using llama mage.
Scarred llama mage really disturbed me because it was very hard for me to win a battle against players using scarred llama.
The first time I won with a scarred llama mage was the day I broke the fear. I was able to predict that the player would use scarred llama mage, but before I wasn't able to predict it. I used a sandworm in my lineup, and my opponent used kron undying as the last monster so that when it remained only undying, it would come out with 5 magic attacks and destroy my monsters.
The good news was that, sandworm destroyed kron undying before getting to the first position; that was how I defeated the players.
Even up till now, it is very difficult for me to defeat llama combined with kron undying on any level.
This is one of the battles I was able to defeat llama with undying kron with ease. From the beginning I thought I would not be able to defeat it; when undying kron was only left in my opponent's lineup, I began to think that ‘I can win this battle’. Watching this battle to the end, I won the battle. The funnest thing was that there was only a battle remaining for me to complete my daily quest and claim my loot rewards.

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click here

Armored Up: All Monsters have two armor in addition to their normal armor stat.
Holy Protection: All Monsters have the divine shield ability

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Flesh Golem: Since I have to use earth summoner to complete my daily quest, I need to use flesh golem because it is one of the monsters that could be in first position. One of the main reasons I love this monster is the healing ability it possesses. Flesh golem is one of the dependable monsters; flesh gole will keep on increasing its health unless a certain monster afflicts it, this is what can stop it from restoring its health.
The reason I chose this monster was that after I checked that death summoner is not among the summoners given, I came up with the idea that flesh golem would be suitable for this battle. Though not only death has affliction but also water: but when i checked water, i could not find afflicted monsters like captain ghost. Then I came up with the plan that golem will be unstoppable in this battle.
As you can see, from the beginning of the battle to the end, flesh golem kept on increasing its health without any monster stopping it.

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Mushroom Seer: Mistakes help me to improve my next agenda. Even in my working place, the moment I make certain mistakes, I will never make them again. Several times mushroom seer has been used to defeat in battles: the silence ability has been used to reduce my magic monsters that resulted in my defeat. Therefore, I use mushroom seer to reduce the magic attack of my opponent's magic monsters so that the rate of damage would reduce.

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Wood nymph: flesh can not do it alone, therefore i added wood nymph to support giving flesh golem more health. I knew using only flesh golem would lead me to lose the battle because it does not have ability to reduce magic, melee and range attacks. There are times that flesh golem’s health was left with 2 or 3 but with the help of wood nymph, flesh golem was able to gain more healths.

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Halfing Alchemist: I began to develop my interest in this monster because of its ability. I understand that the powerful monsters are always in the front line. Is like when a country is going to battle; to avoid defeat, such a country will put experienced soldiers in the front battle while the less experienced will follow. For the few times I have been in splinterlands, I have realized that most times, it is strong monsters that are in first position in the line up, most of these monsters have good melee, magic and range attack. This is the reason I selected an alchemist to break the weapon and rendered such monsters useless.

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Screeching vulture: opportunity monster is very important for me in this battle, i need a monster that will destroy some small but powerful monsters. I made a mistake in a battle, in which I was supposed to select an opportunity monster, but I did not select it which later led to my defeat.
Screeching vulture was there to destroy such monsters.

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Water ELemntal: placed it to delay sneaky monsters, you can see that water elemental was unable to destroyed from behind.

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all the pictures are gotten from splinterland website
