RE: Recent Rental Market Observations in Splinterlands


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Yeah, I think the ECR might need to get cut down a bit more. I like the timelock idea because I'm pretty sure there are about to be mountains of dirt cheap cards and people need some encouragement to buy them.

Ultimately, the devs need to bring people on that are experts on economics. The fact that they are bringing out $2 packs again at all is outrageous to me. Packs should be DEC only. Every pack bought burns DEC, then make the rewards predictable and easy to understand. No more of this, we release a certain amount per day based on this and that. With my whole game pretty much being exactly the same as it was last season in terms of ecr, cards used, league, etc, my reward for a win is dramaticallly lower this season than last already and that doesn't begin to take into account that the dec I do still win is worth 30% less.

Ultimately, if they make the game rewarding to play and don't busy us in inventory, Splinterlands will change gaming and make thousands of people millionaires while helping millions more make ends meet while having fun. If they decide we need 20x more cards and don't make rewards better, it will be a footnote in blockchain gaming.



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