RE: Splinterlands - Is It Worth Playing In Gold League?


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I just decided a few days ago to move up to gold. My deck is more built for silver so I went from 15 chests per day in silver to 8 per day in gold. It's only been 2 days but yesterday I made $0.11 and today I made $1.75. If I had to guess based on my current limited data I'd say I probably made just as much in silver as I now am in gold.

I haven't really noticed prices in CL cards going up. If anything many of them are down from what they were a month or two ago. It seems like if you took out the recent two aridrops, prices to max a deck would be down overall. Also, over 8 million packs remain either unpurchased or just unopened. Who knows what happens next in Splinterlands but with over half the packs left to open its more likely the existing cards keep going down in price for a bit.


The silver to gold don't really get much more in focus chest rewards when caring about total value. I totally agree with this assessment. I have been watching market prices on cards like a hawk and will say this, trying to buy a high level chaos card at the lowest bcx is difficult since they get picked up almost in a day or two. The demand is there and on a whole prices do not appear to be sliding down, at best flat line. Maybe the new Rift-watchers will help with prices getting lower? !LOL !PIZZA
