Peakmonsters! This market is about to get wild hahaa


Good day to ya! I'm as stoked as the next guy for chaos, but it might be for a different reason then you. Hear me out hahaa

I flip cards daily using Peakmonsters and the bidding system. If you have used it, you know how lovely it is. If you have yet to check it out, you might wanna go do that! Chaos, contrary to popular belief, has been great for for doing just that. The cards are new, DEC is moving wildly, and the floor/price gap on cards kept moving. That's where flipping thrives.

So, I just today started rolling some profits into CP that I can rent to others. Everyone is hodling their pennies like Scrooge McDuck for packs, and season end just recently happened. I've rolled alot of profits into common reward cards, 7-9 DEC each. Sounds dope so far ya?

Now, tomorrow a potential 13 Mil packs hit the peasant market. I'm buying a handful too, like the peasant I am. I have been waiting too hahaa. But I have much more funds ready for this card market. If I don't really know how to price a card for tomorrow, then alot of other people are going to struggle aswell.

And, that is what I am most stoked for. I get a kick out of watching a market go bananas, with wild price swings across heaps of assets. And I'm ready to take full advantage of the action using Peakmonsters for my pricing tools and bids!


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