The Party is Over... Do we really need another Token?


the end of the gravy train

Everybody went to excess during the free money period.
That time has ended (for now).

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I see the rewards that I receive from Staking. It is too much!
I'm just a little fish. So, how much are the whales getting?
To me, that can't be sustainable.
I could be wrong, but the flow out of SPS seems to be quite leaky.

SPS in chests, from land, nodes, and Nightmare packs.
Oh, my!

Me thinks it's a similar issue as DEC. Maybe, even vouchers.



The Splinterlands economy probably didn't require Vouchers.
However, here we are with them.

So, we have multiple value from direct and indirect value.

Direct: SPS, DEC, Vouchers, Packs, Cards
Indirect: Nodes, Land, Future/New Product, Hive, Leasing, Renting

Potential: There's also potential in areas outside of the game. Real world product (plushness etc), boardgames, video games, comics, and so forth. Items that are, spawned from the game, but are, beyond the game.

We already have a pocket full of coins. Maybe, too many coins, due to the fervour of excess.
But it is, what it is.

The challenge with tokens mirrors the challenge of unsold packs.

I'd say that the tap needs to be closed a little.
Prudence pays in the long run.

There's ample gunpowder now. Let's use what we have, let's recalibrate the Supply to match Demand.

hey, we got a new shiny

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Any new Token is just a convoluted action.
You haven't addressed the issues at hand.
You're just printing more without addressing the issue of,
"What is Splinterlands?", and, "How do we utilise what we already have?"

We don't need a new Token to try to fix the problem.

Focus on what is there and formulate a mid term solution to use, adjust, purge, and resize to fit the economic and game goals.

wakey wakey

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The situation is fluid. Fixes may work. They may not work.
Opportunities get created from all sorts of outcomes.
The issue with creating new stuff in the game is the burden of maintenance.

Does the change create potential headaches? Will it add complexity?

The short term goal might become a long term burden.


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focus on the game

The game is the flagship.
People spend their time. We need to attract some of that time into Splinterlands.
Splinterlands offers many different layers. You can play the game, sure. However, people can invest their time in any of the areas around the game.

But the game must be the engine. Everything else can build around it.

focus on sound economics

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Keep the economic model simple.
The model will survive no matter if the markets are high, or low.
The financial reality hurts when the easy money has gone.
It's an opportunity to become leaner.
The market will be tough for a while yet.

Tough times create a need for distraction.

Distraction, provides an opportunity for engagement.

focus on engagement

Therefore, every player who enters the game has a different goal, it can be earning money, entering a championship, league, collecting cards or just for fun. Source

I see many people playing their standard games. They play for a dopamine reward.
They say words like, "grind", to explain how they spent their time to "achieve" some "reward".

Splinterlands is a product that has real rewards.

The focus, needs to be on how to move the time, and money investment, that people put into a variety of everyday games, and have them motivated to put their time & money onto Splinterlands.

I see that too many rewards can dilute the value. That the rewards should not be the main motivating factor.

Playing Splinterlands should be first. Rewards are second.

No more Tokens

I don't see a need for a new Token.
We have Vouchers that are the best mechanism to use for discounts.
If the peg for DEC is to be honoured, then the economy will revolve around that.
Consistency will create stability.
