Finally reached DIAMOND Leagues!


Right on timeXD! Less than 9 days left before the current season ends and I have finally touched the DIAMOND leagues (reached it last night).


What this simply means is the start of my agony. The agony of being matched up against players with level 6-8 monster cards in-a-row and a possible series of losing streaks from here on out.

I did get quite lucky last night since I surprisingly managed to get 10 FLEES from enemies shooting me up from GOLD I to close to DIAMOND II. Yep! Believe it or not but it is really 10 FLEES! It was probably a node issue on some countries but I am just glad the issue is not on mine. XD But a win is a win and I'll take that 10 free wins with arms wide open.

This morning though as I have expected, the series of loses have started. This is to be expected since DIAMOND level matches don't have summoner cap limits. I still think there should be one though and only put no level cap on CHAMPIONS as it is quite unfair other champion level accounts sitting in the DIAMONDS. Although I have to give it to them for being smart at competing for the DIAMOND leaderboards rather than the CHAMPIONS.

Anyways yeah, from 60+% win-rate (before advancing to the DIAMOND leagues) down to 55.31% right after advancing. Lol


Reward~wise, one of my lucky day as I managed to pull 1 LEGENDARY. It was also surprising to see 8 cards in 1 daily quest reward as I usually get lie 7POTIONS and 1 Card. LOL



the reason champions sit at the diamond is because most of them simply haven't played enough to reach champion yet. the grind is slow at the higher levels. even if they do reach champion, they choose not to rank up because it's hard to find a match over there early in the season, since there are still so few champions

gratz on diamond!

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