WTH Am I Doing? AKA The Crystal Jaguar Challenge


Photography Workshop.png

In my attempt to get more involved with the culture that is...Splinterlands, I decided this week to take part in my first 'battle challenge'.

This is a really cool feature within the Splinterlands community where we are given the task of showcasing our gameplay, featuring a card or strategy...

This week, was this little guy:

Crystal Jaguar.png

Crystal Jaguar!

Slick little feline if you ask me...But anywho...Off I go to try to win with this monster that's part of a splinter I try to avoid at all costs LOL

Ahhh yes, the life splinter!!!

So first, I needed a summoner. Thankfully before the boom in the market, I maxed Mother Khala up, so even though my silver league play didn't allow me to take full advantage, I still put her in the top spot:

Summoner - Mother Khala

Mother Khala.png

And that's where everything kind of goes to poop for me...Not so much for the match, in fact if you check the replay below, you'll see I did pretty good...But for me, learning where to place the cards and when, has been a challenge.

Alas...I decided on this:

Tank - Shieldbearer


A dashing fellow isn't he?

The rule set for the game was damange to flying monsters and of course, reverse speed. Which I completely forgot when I was assembling the team...

I did remember to include flying monsters, but speed...Oooos.

Not Sure What This Position Is Called - Luminous Eagle

Luminous Eagle.png

Speed was high but had good health and a 2 ranged attack. Seemed to do the trick.

Obviously, no damage to this card as it was for the rule set.

Support I Think - Light Elemental

Light Elemental.png

Having the flying rule set, I tried to add a bunch of monsters that wouldn't take earthquake damage.

But this was a bonus because I love using magic attacks in my battles.

Support 2 I Guess - Crystal Jaguar

Crystal Jaguar.png

The cat of the HOUR!

I love the thorns this card has, but alas...There was the worry of being killed by the earthquake damage.

Still the jaguar came through and stood it's ground!

Support 3...I Think - Divine Healer

Divine Healer.png

The benefit in my opinion to use the healer was just that...A tank heal. I knew that Shieldbearer would take the brunt of the attack, plus would be getting his with the earthquakes...

So this card made sense to me.

Bringing Up The Rear - Thunderbird


A ranged attack and flying abilioty so...No earthquake damage.

Still 4 speed though, which didn't seem to hurt me...At all...Here's how it played out:


=> Link to the battle

And we have a victory!!!


This was a lot of fun and I look forward to taking part in the next challenge :)

I still need to figure out what all the positions are called in the battles though....


Your opponent never stood a chance with those L3 cards against his L1s!

Although I think you got a bit lucky with those speed attacks right off the back, had his double heal kicked in you might had more of a struggle.

I would have placed the Jaguar thrid or last (as a sneak soak) - TBH you didn't even need him here though!

Personally I used mine as a tank for this challenge.

I'm surprised this is your first one, I've been doing these for years. Writing them is almost like a day off for me as it's always an easy write!

Don't forget to share to social media and link that and the post on a comment on the weekly challenge post - the vote you get is quite hefty!

Oh, and for me its just...

  • postition 1
  • position 2

You get the gist I'm sure.


Ahhh sweet thanks man.

Yeah still learning, and trying to find all the awesome little features of the social side of the game.

I was surprised at how easy I seemed to win, because as soon as it started I was like 'oh crap' I forgot the speed LOL


The game is so new that you could just make some shit up, and lots of people will assume it's the proper name if it's sounds half right..


Interesting choice of putting the jaguar in the middle. I'd have put him at the last position to absorb the sneak attacks after the shieldbearer dies but your opponent never stood a chance.

Actually, for how long do the challenges last? A week?


Yeah that seems to be what everyone else did for these challenges lol I'm not joking when I say...I have no idea what I'm doing lol Think they are a week long.
