Recompensa Diaria/ Daily Quest (Epic Card)


Recompensa Diaria/ Daily Quest

Hello friends of splinterlands today I made my daily reward using fire splinter it was interesting very fun, although I have a low Rsi I only played to achieve the rewards.

Hola amigos de splinterlands hoy realice mi recompensa diaria utilizando splinter de fuego estuvo interesante muy divertida, aunque tengo un Rsi bajo solo jugue para lograr las recompensas.

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As you know, I have excellent and powerful fire cards, some with a gold league level and with the new Chaos Legion started cards I have been able to complete them very well and I am already designing strategies combining with previous card editions, I had an excellent reward an epic card of life that makes up for the disappointment I had in yesterday's quest.

Como ya saben tengo excelentes y poderosas tarjetas de fuego algunas con nivel de liga oro y con las nuevas tarjetas started de chaos legion he podido completarlas muy bien y ya voy diseñando estrategias combinando con edicciones de tarjetas anteriores, tuve una excelente recompensa una tarjeta epica de vida eso compensa la decepcion que tuve en la quest de ayer.

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