RE: No Airdrop cards this time, but damn what an amount of cards


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Not believing at all that these packs will sell out that fast, I think it might even token more than a couple of months depending on the status with the land and the next new feature that will roll out. 16 millions packs is a lot, especially when you see a lot of players haven't bought any, but most likely they will also nog be the players to buy several 100s of packs. A couple of months is my guess. Indeed, when the packs sell out again, then the price swing will change for sure.

Aha pooling on tribaldex as well? Okay maybe I will give it a shot here and there as hopefully the fees will not be so painful as pooling for instance on uniswap or so. But uhh...kinda centralized right in one team of hands, because that is one of the things I why I don't like keep stuff on hive engine honestly.

Hope all is well there up north and that the snow gods are treating yall well there!
