Card Highlights #45: Avina of the Wolf


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Card Highlights #45: Avina of the Wolf

Misfortune is not fair, fate is not just, but they exist just the same.
by John Steinbeck, The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights

The grand knight has blessed us with her presence. In this blog, I would dive deeper on checking with Avina of the Wolf, a summoner whom I think should've been strong but with a few minor issues, became irrelevant. In this blog, I will show you her strengths and how you should use Avina of the Wolf's overwhelming power in your advantage and use it in your games to get the wins you need.


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The Kingdom of Khymia has been subsumed by the Chaos Empire. New Dawn serves as the capital of its Ongonaur Kalamenty. But while the Order of the Silver Shield may have lost the war, they haven't lost their fight.
As part of the Silver Shield's insurgency in New Dawn, Knight Sergeant Avina Galalaine has devoted herself to ending the Chaos Empire, no matter the cost. Her brutal hit-and-run tactics are infamous among her enemies, who have taken to calling her “the Wolf,” and she wears this moniker like a badge of pride.

For full lore of this card, visit this website:


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Buy and Rental Costs

Avina of the Wolf's price is a bit on the high side. Each card costs you $0.95 but the more important is getting a max level costs quite a bit at $113.18.

Avina of the Wolf, just like other Rebellion summoners, costs a lot when renting for max level. The cheapest you can rent one is 200 DEC per day, which might not look like it costs a lot, but right now, each $1 is equivalent to around 1600 DEC. So, we can ratio that your $1 can rent Avina of the Wolf for 8 days. But what about the other monsters? How much your rental cost would be if you add monsters to be rented as well?


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Card Stats

Avina of the Wolf looks good on paper because of Heal ability but when tested, there's not a lot of units you can use it on that will have good impact except for


Card Effects

Choose either 2 Units to apply +2 Speed and OR 1 Units to apply Heal and .

+2 Speed
Increase friendly Unit's speed by 2.




Restores a portion of the Unit's health each round


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Strengths & Weaknesses

Avina of the Wolf's ability to give Heal to another unit is the main strength. Heal is a really strong ability especially if the unit has high health. It can be a game changer when used properly and can give you wins which otherwise was lost.

Avina of the Wolf's inability to give stats or abilities to all units except a few is the main weakness. This is what Chaos Legion summoners have an advantage on. Even if having a Heal ability on your tank is good, that is nonsense if your enemy has +6 magic attack on their team through Obsidian.


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When To Use

The initial Health of all Units is equal to that of the Units on either team with the highest base Health.

Since everyone will have high health, Heal will be more effective as you can add it on units where it would be initially ineffective. Basically, this gives you more options on whom you can grant that amazing Heal.

Wands Out
Only units with magic attacks may be used.

Bila the Radiant is an Untamed Legendary unit that you can use in Wild Format. The Heal + Life Leech combo with Bila the Radiant is really strong as Life Leech increases the unit's max health, which means your Heal power will also increase over time.

Fab Four
Up to 4 units can be used in this battle.

Heal is stronger when there's less units on the board because your units will also take less damage from the enemies. If your unit has high enough health, there's a possibility that you would outheal the damage and at this point, that game is 100% yours to win.


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When Not To Use

Healed Out
All healing abilities are removed from Units and Summoners.

Avina of the Wolf's main strength is her ability to give Heal to another unit. If there's Healed Out rule set, this Heal will be unavailable making her close to useless unless you draft a speedy team like Coeurl Lurker and give the +2 speed on it.

Reverse Speed
Units with the lowest Speed attack first and have the highest chance of evading attacks.

While this doesn't really hurt you as much, it just limits your options as giving the +2 speed to your unit will give you a disadvantage in this rule set.

Silenced Summoners
Summoners do not give any stat buffs or debuffs or grant/use any abilities.

There are a lot of lower mana summoners in this game. Avina of the Wolf needs 5 mana while others like Prunda Undervesch only needs 3 and if both summoners don't have any abilities to give to their units, then lower mana summoners are always better.


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Battle Sample

I think I would've won in this battle with or without the Heal from Avina of the Wolf but having Heal on my tank just sealed the deal on my win.


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Final Thoughts

One beef I had with the Rebellion summoners was them limiting the abilities that the summoners give to their team. In Chaos Legion and older series, all summoners affect their whole team but in Rebellion, the summoners only affects a few which was the main disadvantage.

Initially, I was expecting the whole Summoner Tactics to apply to the whole team which was really interesting. But now that I've done this review, I realized that it was too overpowered. I still think that the stats, at least, should be applied to the whole team so you would have a choice between increasing your team's stats or getting some units great abilities.

This difference of abilitites being applied to few units vs. the whole team is the reason why Rebellion summoners did not became as popular as expected since the Chaos Legion's summoners were far stronger still. Avina of the Wolf was of no exception. She had a great opportunity being strong, but was still overshadowed by a more powerful predecessor.


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I do not own any of the photos in this post. All credits goes to:

  • Splinterlands
  • Peakmonsters
  • Canva
  • Giphy

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