Share Your Battle, Weekly Challenge, Antoids are Marching!



When I saw this post all I could think about is, the Antoids are marching one, by one, I will let that sit in your head for a little bit… but I love the art work on the card, just reminds me of a mechanized ant hill coming out at you.

Anyway, with Chaos Legion and the fire element it is a melee heavy build, the Antoid Platoon fits right in, they might not do a lot of damage, but the defense more than makes up for it!

The Platoon sits at 4 mana, which is good in many fights, especially low mana caps, but the 2 armor and 3 health, not too bad, but the ability, Shield, is a great way to reduce melee damage!

The battle that we are examining for this one is a lowish mana cap at 25, plus:

Super Sneak: All Melee attack Monsters have the Sneak ability.
Healed Out: All healing abilities are removed from Monsters and Summoners

This is an interesting ruleset, the no healing helps with the fire splinter, but also the super sneak plays well to the Antoid’s shield ability.

Here is the quick link to the battle: (Link) however, I will break it down, then you might want to watch again.

First up, the Summoner:

Since this is a fire splinter type of fight, we kind of need the fire summoner, which provides a boost to melee damage, but then also a boost to health, which is always nice.

The front line was the Tusk The Wide:

Looking at the past history of my opponent, they were using the Earth splinter a lot, with a lot of magic, so I took out Tusk because of the high health, but combined with the void ability so that he would last longer in the front.

The next up was half way a free spot for a monster, so I put in the Scorch Fiend because it is a 0 mana card, but will still be doing 2 damage due to Tarsa’s boost, along with the super sneak, hitting that back line.

The next card I have was to pair up with the Antoid Platoon being at the back of line, the Scavo Hireling:

I put them in the third spot to help cushion that damage from the front while I continue my sneak attack in the back, but it would also repair the armor of the Antoid Platoon when they go hit, keeping them alive a little longer.

The next card is a great reward card that I like to use a lot with fire as well, Uraeus, slower speed, but the 1 armor helps to keep him alive along with 3 damage when boosted, a solid attack to the back line.

Next up comes an awesome card from the Chaos Legion set when paired with Tarsa for the strong sneak attack:

This is a good card with the pairing due to the 7 heath and the 3-melee damage, plus the three speed really does help to hit them in the back!

Lastly, the Antoid Platoon:

I put them in the last spot for a very specific reason, knowing that super sneak is there, which affects melee monsters, they would hit my backline, but I can prevent some of the damage due to the shield ability, which keeping monsters alive for longer is a great goal!

Did my strategy work, yes it did on this one! The enemy went Earth on this one, which I did expect, but with the amount of damage I was doing, it countered it wonderfully! The Antoid’s shield ability did not come into play, but it was a nice safety measure to have in place. Their attack really did help in doing enough damage so that Tusk could stay alive long enough against the magic onslaught! It also did help that there was no healing, so I was just out damaging my opponent.

The Antoid Platoon is great, I have been looking to level it up here lately so that it becomes even stronger for me. This is a great buy, and a great way to get into the game!

Overall, this was a really good battle for me, and when you are watching a battle, you always need some Pizza! If you are looking for a great area of Positivity along with a great community, com join the Pizza Family!
You can find them here: Awesome Pizza Discord
I do want to say thank you for reading all of this and have a wonderful week!
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Photos come from PowerPoints stock image, Bitmoji with Splinterlands logo on top of it, or my own screen shots of Splinterlands, along with the image that they provided for the Weekly Challenge.


Usually earth with magic obsidian should win against melee Tarsa, but you did a good job lining them up properly. The super sneak and no healing ruleset worked in your favor too. smart move🐜


It is one of the reasons why I love Tusk the Wide, it is a great counter to the Earth Magic decks, especially when you don't own grum, yet 😁


daring big guy Grum😆
I'll love to own that card too. yes Tusk the wide is decent, well noted. I see, nicee, i'll give it a try soon😁
