RE: Splinterlands - Price Drop Can Help Onboarding? Rental Market

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Nice post and nice considerations @mawit07

In a way this is rewarding those who stayed patient and avoided the FOMO at peak prices

I am one of those who was very patient and sold all the VOUCHER tokens and then used the proceeds in the general sale.
It's time for me to get back to investing and I just have to decide if I'm going to focus on just the card packs or if I'm going to do targeted market purchases as well.

What buying strategy will you follow?


First much appreciation on the upvotes and tokens. My approach is mainly be buying individual cards on the free market. I would buy daily until I get to max level for chaos legions. Since I wouldn’t have $10k all at once to max a set I would gradually buy what I can afford but do so targeting cards I need to max and buy a fixed $ amount per a day. Some where around $500- $1000 a week. Do all this while packs are in general sale. I hope to get a max set within the next 3 months. Time will tell how well this works out lol. !LUV !LOL !PIZZA
