Risultati del Focus Quotidiano su Splinterlands - Earth Focus - (ITA/ENG) - Results of the Daily Focus on Splinterlands - Earth Focus


Buongiorno e ben ritrovati.

Anche quest'oggi, approfittando dei tempi morti tra un appuntamento e la mia consueta sessione di fisioterapia, per il recupero della mobilità della mano destra, ingessata fino a 15 giorni fa, eccomi rispuntare, con questo mio consueto post dedicato ai risultati delle mie missioni quotidiane su Splinterlands.

Daily Focus.png

In realtà avevo programmato di scrivere queste mie poche righe già questa mattina, ma, purtroppo, come se non bastassero già i vari casini esistenti, da un paio di giorni mia figlia non sta un granché bene, con raffreddore, tosse, e mal di gola, che non le hanno permesso di dormire un granchè bene neanche questa notte.

Visto, quindi, che stamattina mia moglie ha dovuto andare a lavorare, ed essendo io, invece, al contrario, ancora a casa per qualche giorno, mi sono concesso di fare il papà a tempo pieno, rimandando fino ad adesso il nostro consueto appuntamento.

Il dubbio che mi sta salendo sempre più spesso, visto che si sta avvicinando sempre di più, oramai, temo, il giorno del mio rientro al lavoro, è come mi riuscirà, da quel giorno in poi, di continuare ad essere sempre puntualmente sul pezzo, visto che, se già ora non mi riesce, sempre, di incastrare il tempo a disposizione per essere puntuale, figuriamoci in seguito.

Tra le altre cose, inoltre, sto già pensando a come riuscire a gestire la cosa il prossimo weekend, visto che, salvo imprevisti, mi aspetta una trasferta milanese per partecipare ad un evento, che spero possa rivelarsi piuttosto importante per quanto riguarda entrambi i progetti che sto portando avanti da un po' di tempo, che mi impedirà, quindi, di trovare il tempo da dedicare tanto a questa piattaforma che a Splinterlands.

Ma queste sono solo mie divagazioni personali, con le quali non vi voglio annoiare ulteriormente, e direi che, quindi, piuttosto, è arrivato il momento di andare a parlare della reale protagonista di questo mio post, ovvero della missione da me conclusa ieri.

focus Earth.png

Il focus della sfida di cui sopra era, in questo caso, di tipo Earth e, di conseguenza, per cercare di racimolare quanti più punti possibili, nella speranza di ottenere il maggior numero di scrigni, avrei avuto 24 ore di tempo a disposizione per utilizzare Summoners, e carte, dell'elemento terra, al limite in combinata con le cosiddette carte neutrali.

Fino a qualche tempo fa questo tipo di missioni non mi piaceva un granché, al punto che, spesso e volentieri, mi ritrovavo a schipparle nel tentativo di ottenere altri tipi di Quest da affrontare, poiché questo elemento non era sicuramente uno dei più forti che possedevo.

A seguito della "scoperta" della possibilità di affittare carte attraverso il market interno di Splinterlands, o attraverso siti quali Peakmonster, però, le cose sono radicalmente cambiate e, grazie all'affitto di un po' di carte, ora questo tipo di sfida è una di quelle che non mi spiace affatto affrontare.

Grazie all'affitto, e al conseguente utilizzo, di un paio di carte in particolare, infatti, mi è riuscito di trovare alcuni schieramenti che mi rendono particolarmente forte, riuscendo, di conseguenza, ad essere abbastanza competitivo, contro i miei avversari, a qualsiasi dei livelli finora da me ha raggiunto.

Anche in questo caso, però, tutto questo era un discorso valevole con il vecchio metodo di combattimento, e le cose, al contrario, con la nuova modalità di gioco, sono cambiate parecchio, rendendo le cose decisamente più complicate, anche in questo caso.

Impensabile, infatti, anche solo sperare di riuscire a raggiungere risultati, in termini di quantità di scrigni ottenibili, anche solo paragonabili, se non si possiede un mazzo decisamente potente, per quanto riguarda questo elemento, in combinata con moltissimo tempo a disposizione e senza vincere praticamente tutti i combattimenti.

Visto che nessuna delle tre opzioni di cui sopra mi apparteneva anche solo lontanamente, infatti, ho finito col terminare la mia missione giornaliera, riuscendo a racimolare un totale di solamente sei scrigni, che, comunque, visto i miei standard attuali, non sono da buttare.

earth 2206.png

Essendo riuscito ad ottenere i suddetti passando anche alla lega Diamond, mi auguravo, quindi, avendo mantenuto anche un buon ECR ed un discreto Winrate, che quest'oggi le ricompense ricevute potessero essere più interessanti.

Anche in questo caso però, purtroppo le mie speranze sono andate completamente disattese, visto che all'interno degli scrigni ho trovato una Vampire Bat dell'elemento terra, una Ever-Hungry Skull dell'elemento morte, 208 DEC, utili per qualche noleggio, e, per concludere, una immancabile Pelacor Conjurer, ma nella sua versione dorata.

Il bilancio della giornata, quindi, tanto più dopo lo sbattimento necessario per riuscire a racimolare i punti necessari per ricevere questo magro numero di ricompense, peraltro, poi, rivelatosi anche piuttosto mediocri, risulta essere, per l'ennesima volta, piuttosto deludente.

Se è vero, quindi, che per una valutazione vera e propria andrebbe preso un arco temporale ben più lungo, visto che non siamo giocatori di passaggio che fanno semplicemente partite saltuarie, ma bensì giocatori assidui, da vecchia data, ogni giorno, e che nel tempo, comunque, questo dovrebbe portare ad una bilanciatura dei risultati, è altresì vero che, una serie così continua di risultati giornalieri piuttosto scadenti, alla lunga finisce per essere stressante.

La speranza, ovviamente, come già affermato altre volte, è che, nel tempo, mi riesca di diventare, via, via sempre più bravo a padroneggiare la nuova modalità di gioco, fino a riuscire a utilizzarla sempre meglio, ed ottenere, quindi, risultati, via, via sempre migliori.

Per il momento, però, a costo di sembrare solo un cosiddetto "bastian contrario" la mia opinione, in merito a quelli che dovrebbero essere stati dei miglioramenti a questo gioco, continua a rimanere piuttosto negativa, visto che, non solo non hanno risolto per nulla il problema dei bot, che come già detto nel mio post di ieri sono, al contrario, dopo una piccola pausa iniziale, tornati ancora più agguerriti di prima, ma hanno anche finito per rendere il gioco più complicato per tutti, e meno invitante per tutti quei nuovi utenti che volessero iniziare ad approcciarsi allo stesso.

Le lamentele al riguardo, infatti, nei vari gruppi e forum dedicati a questo gioco, da parte di nuovi utenti, che si trovano in difficoltà, poiché per tentare di essere competitivi si ritrovano ad essere costretti ad investire un bel po', non mancano certamente.

Trovo interessante, al riguardo, la proposta, fatta da un utente su uno di questi gruppi, di una governance decentralizzata che desse più potere decisionale, sui cambiamenti da apportare al gioco, ai vari utenti dello stesso mediante votazioni sugli stessi.

Ammetto, però, allo stesso tempo, la mia ignoranza al riguardo, quindi non so se sia una cosa fattibile, o meno, ed in quali termini (magari per quello che ne so oggi già esiste...), e quindi non mi dilungo più di tanto sull'argomento, anche se l'ho trovato interessante.

Per il momento, quindi, visto che non intendo dilungarmi ulteriormente con mie divagazioni personali che finirebbero con l'annoiarvi, non mi resta altro da fare se non porgervi i miei saluti ed augurarvi una buona giornata.

P.S. Se non siete ancora iscritti a Splinterlands e volete iniziare anche voi a giocare a questo splendido gioco potete iscrivervi da quì : Splinterlands

Good morning and welcome back.

Even today, taking advantage of the dead time between an appointment and my usual physiotherapy session, for the recovery of the mobility of the right hand, cast up to 15 days ago, here I am again, with this my usual post dedicated to the results of my missions on Splinterlands.

Daily Focus.png

In fact I had planned to write these few lines of mine already this morning, but, unfortunately, as if the various existing messes were not enough, for a couple of days my daughter has not been very well, with cold, cough, and sore throat , which did not allow her to sleep very well even this night.

Seeing, therefore, that my wife had to go to work this morning, and being, on the contrary, still at home for a few days, I allowed myself to be a full-time dad, postponing our usual appointment until now.

The doubt that is growing in me more and more often, since it is getting closer and closer, now, I fear, the day of my return to work, is how I will be able, from that day on, to continue to be always on time. , given that, if already now I am not able, always, to frame the time available to be punctual, let alone later.

Among other things, moreover, I am already thinking about how to manage it next weekend, given that, barring unforeseen events, a trip to Milan is waiting for me to participate in an event, which I hope will prove to be quite important as regards both projects. which I have been carrying out for some time, which will prevent me, therefore, from finding the time to devote as much to this platform as to Splinterlands.

But these are just my personal digressions, with which I do not want to bore you further, and I would say that, rather, the time has come to go and talk about the real protagonist of my post, or the mission I completed yesterday.

focus Earth.png

The focus of the above challenge was, in this case, of the Earth type and, consequently, to try to collect as many points as possible, in the hope of obtaining the greatest number of chests, I would have had 24 hours to use Summoners, and cards, of the earth element, to the limit in combination with the so-called neutral cards.

Until some time ago I didn't like this type of missions very much, to the point that, often and willingly, I found myself deploying them in an attempt to get other types of Quests to face, since this element was certainly not one of the strongest I possessed .

However, following the "discovery" of the possibility of renting cards through the internal market of Splinterlands, or through sites such as Peakmonster, things have changed radically and, thanks to the rental of a few cards, now this type of challenge is one of those that I do not mind at all to face.

Thanks to the rent, and the consequent use, of a couple of cards in particular, in fact, I was able to find some sides that make me particularly strong, managing, consequently, to be quite competitive, against my opponents, at any of the levels I have reached so far.

Even in this case, however, all this was valid with the old fighting method, and things, on the contrary, with the new game mode, have changed a lot, making things much more complicated, even in this case.

It is unthinkable, in fact, to even hope to be able to achieve results, in terms of the amount of chests obtainable, even if only comparable, if you do not have a decidedly powerful deck, as regards this element, combined with a lot of time available and without winning. practically all fights.

Since none of the three options above belonged to me even remotely, in fact, I ended up finishing my daily mission, managing to scrape together a total of only six chests, which, however, given my current standards, are not to be thrown away. .

earth 2206.png

Having managed to obtain the aforementioned by passing also to the Diamond league, I hoped, therefore, having also maintained a good ECR and a decent Winrate, that today the rewards received could be more interesting.

Even in this case, however, unfortunately my hopes went completely unfulfilled, since inside the chests I found a Vampire Bat of the earth element, an Ever-Hungry Skull of the death element, 208 DEC, useful for some rentals, and, finally, an inevitable Pelacor Conjurer, but in its golden version.

The balance of the day, therefore, all the more after the turmoil necessary to be able to collect the points necessary to receive this meager number of rewards, however, which also turned out to be rather mediocre, turns out to be, for the umpteenth time, rather disappointing.

If it is true, therefore, that a much longer time span should be taken for a real evaluation, given that we are not passing players who simply play occasional games, but rather regular players, from a long time, every day, and that in the time, however, this should lead to a balancing of results, it is also true that, such a continuous series of rather poor daily results, in the long run ends up being stressful.

The hope, of course, as already stated at other times, is that, over time, I will be able to gradually become better and better at mastering the new game mode, until I can use it better and better, and therefore obtain results. , away, away better and better.

For the moment, however, at the cost of appearing only a so-called "contrary bastian" my opinion, regarding what should have been improvements to this game, continues to remain rather negative, since, not only have they not solved for the problem of bots, which as already mentioned in my post yesterday are, on the contrary, after a small initial pause, returned even more aggressive than before, but they also ended up making the game more complicated for everyone, and less inviting for all those new users who want to start approaching the same.

The complaints in this regard, in fact, in the various groups and forums dedicated to this game, by new users, who find themselves in difficulty, since to try to be competitive they find themselves forced to invest a lot, certainly not lacking .

I find it interesting, in this regard, the proposal, made by a user on one of these groups, of a decentralized governance that would give more decision-making power, on the changes to be made to the game, to the various users of the same by voting on them.

I admit, however, at the same time, my ignorance about it, so I do not know if it is a feasible thing, or not, and in what terms (perhaps for what I know today it already exists ...), and therefore I will not dwell on much on the subject, although I found it interesting.

For the moment, therefore, since I do not intend to elaborate further with my personal ramblings that would end up boring you, there is nothing left for me to do but extend my greetings and wish you a good day.

P.S. If you are not yet registered on Splinterlands and you too want to start playing this wonderful game, you can register from here: Splinterlands


@tipu curate


Grazie mille per il supporto @mad-runner 😉



Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 15 SBT tokens to @lozio71, @mad-runner

remaining commands 12


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-2.5 BUDS-0.01 MOTA-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

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Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444


Di nulla, figurati...



Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 15 SBT tokens to @mad-runner, @lozio71

remaining commands 9


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-2.5 BUDS-0.01 MOTA-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444


I am sad to here that your daughter is not feeling well, same situation is here with me my wife and son have fever and flu. I wish your family a healthy life.

Yesterday I managed to grab another chest from Bronze III, it is my 2nd chest :D I'll try some more if I not get bored.

Your yesterday's reward is fine but not as I would have expected except that level gold card. Now, there is another change coming on 26th June to the game, they are reducing Rshares, I have not idea how it will affect the game, let's wait and watch.

Have a great weekend ahead.


Posted using Splintertalk


Sorry for the delay in answering but I was quite busy over the weekend due to my participation in a Summit of an investor and entrepreneur club that I am a part of

A very intense weekend that kept me away from this platform because I was engaged in something else

Luckily for my daughter it was all sorted out ... it was just a little sore throat and a little cold that passed ... I hope it's the same for your wife and your son

For my rewards I am basically used to a medium to low standard by now, although my chests should be tied to the Diamond level

I am also curious to see the new change coming what it will entail and seo then it will be an improvement or a worsening of the situation

We hope for the best and await the results of these innovations

Have a Good day



Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 15 SBT tokens to @lozio71, @lordshah

remaining commands 13


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-2.5 BUDS-0.01 MOTA-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444


Hi my friend,
Yes, I saw that post and left a comment there, it's great to be busy with real world chores, this is what most of the life depends on family, job, community, and friends.

They are in good health now, but flu passed on to my daughter now, but she is recovering fast. thanks for the concern.

I found this game very tricky, when I keep winning few battle, the game throws a formidable opponent who is loaded with killer card, then it resets my league and I have to start over.

I think if new change have any benefit to us, I would love to keep playing this game, wasting time is not an option. I see a huge drop in daily players count.

Wish you a great week and health.



As nice as it can be to exchange opinions and meet new people online, real life is the one that is the basis of all our lives and trying to create a better one by taking advantage of every opportunity that presents itself I think it is normal.

Glad to know that your and your family's health is getting better again

Honestly I preferred the previous style of play, although I admit that I was among those who hoped for some change because it was getting a bit boring ... unfortunately I didn't think the change was for the worse.

I hope that the adjustments they are talking about can improve things a little otherwise I am afraid that many, especially among new players, may abandon ...

good week to you, too



Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 15 SBT tokens to @lozio71, @lordshah

remaining commands 13


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-2.5 BUDS-0.01 MOTA-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444


I agree with your 1st statement my friend, we learn something new from our online friends and vice versa.

Thanks for your wishes about my family.

I just earned 1 more chest counting to total of 3 in this season, but how much time I have invested there is no compensation for that. Previously It took me half an hour to complete daily quest, and 5 season chest were confirmed.

I fear so, see how hard SPS fell to 0.54$ again, the recovery seams very hard, and airdrops will be gone soon. I think they don't have a good plan at the moment.

Wish you a nice Thursday.



I believe that it is basically the basis of the very concept of social and / or blogging on which this platform is based, i.e. the possibility of getting in touch with other people, making new friends online and exchanging information.

Glad to know that everything is fine in the family

I agree with you actually that with all the time it takes to conquer some chests and the rewards that you receive in the end are definitely disappointing compared to the previous method of play

Unfortunately, however, the new game mode is now this and I doubt that we will go back to the previous one but the only thing we can hope for is that some changes in the course of work can help us change some things making the game more attractive.

As for the value of the SPS, I really hope that with the end of the airdrop all those cases of use of the same can be put in place that can make this token increasingly indispensable for those who want to play splinterland, consequently increasing the value but not I am certain about it

Good day to you too



Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 15 SBT tokens to @lozio71, @lordshah

remaining commands 12


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-2.5 BUDS-0.01 MOTA-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444


Hello my friend, Yes social interaction has benefits as well, but sometimes it troubles us. Such as in Discord scammer send support message impersonating as admin, and they send a link to login and steal data. Pros and CONs.

I get one rare and 1 common card and few DEC, again same old crap lose lose lose. I am really tired bro.
It frustrates a lot but I am waiting for airdrop and then decide to remain or pull my money out.

SPS has again dropped to 4 more points today, I think bear market is eating up prices, new buyers can take advantage while those with already spent their money are in trouble for losing portfolio value. Well, wait and watch how long does it take to see a good bull run.

Thanks for your amazing words, have lovely Friday.



Actually, as in all things, there are pros and cons.But just be a little careful and be aware of the risks you run online to move around without too many problems even if I admit that scammers always invent new ones to cheat you

I too sincerely expected much more from the opening of the crates at the end of the season as having opened 64 chests a little bit I found but nothing as interesting as I hoped and I can assure you that I too am quite frustrated by certain results since I was used to something else

Regarding the two decisions on SPS, I don't feel like giving you advice because everyone must evaluate their choices based on their situation and needs.

Personally, since I am a fan of the game anyway and that I have already done so when the token had reached its maximums to bring home a large slice of earnings, I believe that I will keep the SPS waiting for these to become a fundamental element of the game. this leads to their value being traced back to more decent prices

If then the markets in general rise, everything could speed things up further but I think that before seeing a new general rise we should wait a long time because I am not so convinced that we have touched the minimum in this general collapse.

Happy weekend to you and your family too



Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 15 SBT tokens to @lozio71, @lordshah

remaining commands 14


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-2.5 BUDS-0.01 MOTA-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444


Devs announced that there would be a change in focus earnings, but I don't observe any good thing in the game, since I have been playing whole day and I earn 40 focus so far in Bronze III. I have some good cards, but player bring very tough summoners and buff their teams with special abilities.

I have not yet decided what to do with SPS but when game only eats up time and pays nothing, a play to earn game must reward it's players otherwise waste of time. But, I will experiment and see how good I can beat the game.

Maybe, I am not understanding what I need to or the game has just become more full of bots. Anyway, I am hopeful to make good use of my Hive blogging and invest again in the game, this is one reason I stick to it.

Thanks for kind advice and wishes. Have a nice weekend.



Actually I haven't seen a big difference compared to before either, even if, maybe, it's just me who didn't notice it, and the game continues to be complicated and to seem more and more a waste of time than what you manage. to get

Within the Bronze League, then, I am sure that there are many bots that are starting to run again, hoarding up rewards and, consequently, if these innovations were to be used to block them I am afraid that splinterlands has literally failed in this

I can't be sure what to do with your SPS, and I think a lot depends on what you want to do with respect to this game.

If you like the game, and you believe in the project, I think you should keep them, also because they should become more and more useful in the future, if not even necessary, to be able to continue playing, and I hope this will lead to a rise in the price.

What is certain is that, lately, this game is starting to attract less and less me too because it seems to me, more and more, that I am just wasting time since the results I can get are ridiculous compared to the commitment that must be put to play.

I confirm that at the lower levels there is no shortage of bots and indeed they are quite numerous and they are returning to create serious problems also because they play very strong cards and are very good

Beyond your gaming decisions I recommend that you go ahead with your blog on hive as it could bring you some great successes

Have a nice Sunday



Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 15 SBT tokens to @lozio71, @lordshah

remaining commands 14


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-2.5 BUDS-0.01 MOTA-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

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Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444


Did you hear about the farmer that fed his chickens avocados?
All you could hear around there was “guac, guac, guac, guac.”

Credit: reddit
@lordshah, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @lozio71
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ
