Daily Splinterlands Report #443 Quick giveaway inside! February 15, 2021


What's up Splinter warriors!!

Welcome to my Daily Splinterlands report #443!

In Here, I talk about Splinterlands, mainly my daily quests and loot chests, tournaments, and exciting decks and gameplays.

The season has come to an end and I M very happy with this season. BECAUSE FIRSTLY, I touched top position with both the accounts red-dog and mango-juice and will get some lucrative untamed packs from splinterlands. At last, my dream became true and I took my account and won SOME PACKs BEING IN TOP POSITIONS IN DIAMOND I.

My current rating is 3812 trophies and I am in Diamond I at the moment. Only 1 hour left to end this season.

DEC bar is at 60%. Now let it rest and refill.

Quest Rewards:

Today I got a water Quest and finished it quickly with my max Alric. Below is today's quest rewards.


Few tips for new players.

  1. Make sure your range monsters that are also known as SNIPE are good enough so that you can beat your enemies without fail.
  2. Magic is a strong decider of wins. So, each battle should have at least one magic monster at least. No abilities game can be changed to your favour if you have a good magic monster.
  3. Speed is necessary for wins except in the reverse speed rule.

Neoxian guild status:-

We are currently holding the seventh position, and we are a max level guild.

No quests remain as we have reached the last quest level - 10. We are getting +20% DEC for every ranked match win and +10% dec shop bonus currently. We have to upgrade our quest guild again next season so that we can move to this last tier.

Giveaway Corner:-

I will give a random card to the first right answer to my question below. Answer in the comment section of this post.

The winner of the last post is @randumb. Sent him a NECTAR QUEEN! Also, thank you my dear friend @gregory-f. Sent him a Grim Reaper and a captain's ghost!

Today's question:-

Which 10 mana monster has the trample ability?

Remember, only the first comment holder will get the prize.
Upvote, follow or reblog is not necessary but highly appreciated as it will help more players with their decks.

Alright, guys! See you in my next post!!!
Until then, keep fighting with your best!


Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
