Splinterlands - Peakmonsters Why I Use It Daily?



A wonderful video about the ins and outs of Peakmonsters market was presented by its founder and creator @jarvie not that long ago. Link:


For those who lack the time to sit through the slightly longer than one hour video I am here to summarize the main points in the video and add in what I have learned through my time using Peakmonsters. Hopefully at the end of this post readers will realize the great need of Peakmonsters and why I recommend players to use it daily.

Why Use Peakmonsters (PM)?


For players who have been using Splinterlands card database they are aware of its limitations. For instance bulk selections of cards is limited to only one monster or summoner card and once more than one is selected certain features such as selling, renting, locking, etc. function are off limits. In turn player select individual cards in order to do those specific functions which can be very time consuming for players that have hundreds of cards.

With Peakmonsters (PM) which is a third party website extracting Splinterlands (SL) database through its API allows users to bulk select multiple different cards and execute the functions that were off limits in SL. In short PM opens the functions of SL on a larger scale of operation making efficient use of end user's time going through their cards.

Buy and Selling in The Open Market

In Splinterlands (SL) cards for sale can be filter in several categories such as card series, edition, element, and role. Beyond that there are not much more the end user can get with functionality. Peakmonsters (PM) on the other hand has more.


Snapshot of the buy page in grid format shows cards and their current market value. It also lists the lowest price per bcx and lowest price of card at 1 bcx. PM will have a slight delay in processing the lowest prices due in part of SLs' inherit delay in presenting its data. Therefore users should not take to heart what they see on screen as always being what is offered in market. Sometimes the price is so low that the card has already been purchased. Recommendation is to refresh the page as needed.


In PM the same filters used in SL is accessible and more. There is the option to filter bids. This is one great feature SL does not offer.

Peak Monster's Bidding


Looking at the example of Goblin Dartling currently lists the highest bid for the card is at $0.820. This represents a user who placed a bid for purchasing Goblin Dartling if and when it hits $0.820. Now by default the price is shown per bcx. You click on the middle tab "card bids" to expand the total amount of bids currently up for the card.


As shown currently the person who is offering $0.820 per bcx has 10 up and from this you can conclude they are willing to pay up to 10 bcx each at a rate of $0.820. I picked Goblin Dartling because of a unique situation in that current card prices lists as low as $0.586 per bcx however because the card at that price is 310 bcx the bidder's bid will not execute. It is only when the price is at or below the bidder's price and that the amount of bcx is at or below the bidder will the bid execute.


Peakmonster's bid system is automated once user places their bids. In another example of a commonly sold reward card since its is still in print is Pelacor Conjurer. Players who sell this card without using PM may think the lowest price at the current time is $0.180 or less. Bidders in PM will who have the highest bid will immediately be automated by PM to purchase the card when players put it up for sale. The key here is bidders with the highest bid in PM for that card at the time will be first in line to purchase the card price if it is selling at or lower than the bidder's price. Players unaware of PM maybe selling their cards at lower than bidder price. Yet even if players who use PM are aware of the highest bidder price they can immediate initiate a sale of their Pelacor Conjurer by hitting the bidder's price. All in all the bidding system can save bidder money and accelerate time of transaction between seller and buyer.

The key takeaways of the bidding system is if you want a certain card and willing to be the highest bidder you can set it all automated through PM. You technically do not need the entire amount of fund at your disposal when you place your bids, however there are limited amounts of bids a user can perform and if the bidder does not have enough funds the purchase will not execute and the next highest bidder with the available DEC will purchase the card automatically.

The great feature of bidding is that buyers can potentially save money when purchasing cards while not having to always be watching the market. Instead place in the bidding amounts and bcx quantities the potential buyers just need to wait and see as cards flood the markets. Reward cards are the most abundant and are most when season ends so it is wise to place bids on cards you wish to purchase at least a day in advance to try to be a winning bidder.

Nothing is perfect and neither is PM. Sometimes the speed of executing the purchase of the card is simply not quick due to time limitation of SL transferring data to PM to read and analyze. Therefore not always will highest bids win out and not always will best deals come through using the bid system. The delay in update and transfer of information between SL to PM is a work in progress so although not perfect it is aimed to do better in the future.

Peakmonster's Rental Market


For those who have read up to this far another great feature Peakmonsters (PM) offers is its rental market. Splinterlands (SL) made an improvement a few months ago in that it allowed its cards to be either delegated or rented. PM further enhanced it by providing an automated winning bidder to obtain the rental card/s and be able to do multiple rentals at a time.


Inside PM rental users can select card and amount of cards currently for rent in order to see rental prices. In snapshot above we have Spirit Shaman and currently 1360 cards for rent. The list starts with highest level of card at the lowest DEC price to rent per a day and going further down are lower levels at their respective DEC rates. SL has its the ability to rent out cards but they are individually selected. While PM allows players to bid for rental cards. The highest bidder for a specific level card will win the rental and have PM automate the transaction for them once a lender has posted their card/s to rent. Again SL has a delay in when the lender has the cards posted in rental market similar to seller of cards but PM automatically refreshes in search for the latest best offer for its rental bidders.

Rental market bidding in similar fashion as the buy market would have the highest bidder winning when ever their is a rental card that hits their criteria of card level and rental price at or below bid. In addition since a card can be rented out for multiple days PM would automate the rental of the card won for how ever many days the renter selects. In order to do this PM rents the card to the winning bidder for 24 hours and sets itself to again rent the same card once the 24 hours expires. PM will do so as much as 365 days as that is its max. The card could be withdrawn by lender and the renter will only have 24 hours or less of the day they have the card rental payed. PM does this so not to make the renter have to give up all the DEC to pay for the full length of the rental duration. Instead only have the renter pay each 24 hours on a recurring basis until the contract inside PM set by renter expires. This helps renter keep daily air drop in SPS as their DEC is not all locked up. In return Peakmonsters takes a small fee for this effort.

Near end of season or when players need collection power PM offer the ratio of CP/DEC on rental lists for users to spot the best bang for their use of DEC. The higher the CP/DEC means the cheaper it is to spend DEC to rent out the CPs. Recommendation is to look for gold foil and not often use cards if you are aiming to get the most CPs while using the least amount of DEC. From experience cards that are gold foiled reward common cards and many 1 bcx in the rental market is a great place to start finding high CP/DEC ratio rentals.

As if I did not post enough spoilers in this post regarding @javrie's video the most sought after rental card in the market is none other than Furious Chicken.


By putting in your rental bid and being at the highest bid you will mostly likely win the card rental and once that is in place depending on the days you setup for the rent in PM it will automatically keep the rental active every 24 hours. A caveat similar to not everything always working perfectly is that sometimes but not often PM will be unable to be fast enough to rent out the same card for consecutive days. When this happens PM will continuously be watching for any updated new card for lending and automate a new rental for the renter.


For those who want an edge in playing Splinterlands or do not want to allocate too much of their time watching the buy and rental markets than using Peakmonsters is highly recommended. If you ever wonder why you saw a card that appear to be in the market and looking like a great deal that somehow got away you can now blame praise the wonderful automation of Peakmonsters.

There is more features in Peakmonsters that makes me go to the website on a daily basis. Users who have hive account will use the same creditials to sign into Peakmonsters. Once on you can see your card collection and the latest values of each card or total of all cards. In addition explore all your recent transactions from rewards, pack openings, card rentals, battles, and so much more. If you have not used Peakmonsters before or rarely use it you are missing out on a lot of great things Splinterlands has to offer. Peakmonsters to me is a daily go to site as much as battling matches in Splinterlands and claiming my air drop ;)

Until next time thanks for reading!!!

If you are interested to learn more about Splinterlands please go through some of my other posts. Order is from newest to oldest posts:

Everything About Dark Energy

All You Want To Know About Reward Chests

SPS White Paper Cliff Notes

Helpful Links for New and Veteran Players

Splinterlands Good Cards To Own

Splinterlands Rentals from a Lender Perspective

I have plenty of other cards for rent! Just go on peakmonsters and check out the market place and if you are curious what I offer here is a link:

mawit07 rentals

If You have yet to take part in playing this great game called Splinterlands please click on my referral link. It is free but in order to earn real assets such as cards and token you would have to invest in a starter deck or purchase game cards. Join the discord to learn more. Good luck!





PeakMonsters does, indeed, have several very interesting features that makes the life easier in terms of searching for the best deals (be it for selling, buying or renting cards)!

It's unfortunate that they don't have a cashback like MonsterMarket. I always end up using PeakMonster to navigate and find what I want, then actually purchasing the cards on MonsterMarket in order to receive the 3% cashback.

