How not to love Byzantine Kitty? [ESP-ENG]




¡Hola a todos y bienvenidos a un nuevo post!

Disfruto muchisimo utilizando los mazos Dragon por el terrible potencial que tienen en batalla, son cartas muy raras y muy fuertes que si las sabes combinar vas a sacarle un provecho increible en las batallas, ejemplos hay millones ya y eso no significa que no pueden seguir habiendo nuevas maneras de alinear tus cartas para destrozar a tus oponentes. Una de las mejores que conozco en este mazo es Bizantine Kitty, una carta que desde mi punto de vista se potencio muchisimo con la llegada de la edicion Chaos Legion donde se le ha hecho tanto enfasis a la velocidad y hoy les traigo varios ejemplos de batalla sobre como aprovechar al 100% el potencial de esta carta junto con las demas cartas del Splinter Dragon... !Asi que bienvenidos!

Hello everyone and welcome to a new post!

I really enjoy playing this game using Dragon decks because of the terrible potential they have in battle, they are very rare and very strong cards that if you know how to combine them you will get an incredible advantage in battles, there are already millions of examples and that doesn't mean that there can't be new ways to align your cards to destroy your opponents. One of the best I know of in this deck is Bizantine Kitty, a card that from my point of view was boosted a lot with the arrival of the Chaos Legion edition where so much emphasis has been placed on speed and today I bring you several battle examples of how to take advantage of the 100% potential of this card along with the other Splinter Dragon cards .... So welcome!

dragon 1.jpg




  • Byzantine Kitty.



  • Djinn Chwalla.



  • Dragon Jumper.


  • Black Dragon.



  • The Vigilator.



  • Void Dragon.


Estas cartas son ejemplos de cuales puedes usar para armarte estrategias muy potentes en las batallas, ya en el pasado he hablado de algunas y hoy traigo unas distintas para no caer en lo repetitivo y ademas para mostrar la versatilidad que tiene este Splinter.

These cards are just examples of which you can use to build very powerful strategies in battles, I have already talked about some of them in the past and today I bring you some different ones to avoid getting repetitive and also to show the versatility of this Splinter.




Byzantine Kitty + Veneno + Terremoto

Me divierte mucho cuando estos dos rulesets aparecen porque la partida no es en realidad contra tu oponente si no contra esos rulesets. Poder recibir 4 puntos de daño en todas tus cartas en cada turno sin importar lo que haga tu rival es algo que si no tomas en cuenta, no importa lo que mandes al campo, vas a perder. Scarred Llama por su Cleanse es perfecta en este caso pero Kitty para mi lo hace igual de bien o incluso mejor. Para ventaja de este Splinter muchas cartas Dragon tienen la habilidad Fly o mucha vida, eso le quita importancia al Terremoto y para el veneno, Kitty con su curacion por turnos ayuda muchisimo. La idea tambien es que la velocidad aumentada te ayude a esquivar mucho, cosa que se vio muy clara en Ritfwing o Lira the Dark por ejemplo, esta ultima con 8 puntos de velocidad, su Silent Sha-vi tenia 50% de probabilidad de fallar sus ataques contra Lira, eso es lo que debes buscar en este tipo de batallas.

Ya en la ronda 2 el daño del ruleset habia decidido practicamente el destino de la pelea, cartas como Xenith Monk funcionan muy bien porque se curan a si mismas, el Black Dragon y el Ritfwing tambien recuperan vida y este ultimo llegaba con unas chances de esquivar increibles por su Fly + 6 puntos de velocidad.

Byzantine Kitty + Noxius Fumes + Earthquake

I have a lot of fun when these two rulesets appear because the game is not really against your opponent but against those rulesets. Being able to take 4 points of damage on all your cards every turn no matter what your opponent does is something that if you don't take into account, no matter what you send to the field, you're going to lose. Scarred Llama for its Cleanse is perfect in this case but Kitty for me does just as well or even better. To the advantage of this Splinter, many Dragon cards have the Fly ability or a lot of life, that takes away the importance of Earthquake and for poison, Kitty with her turn healing helps a lot. The idea is also that the increased speed helps you to dodge a lot, which was very clear in Ritfwing or Lira the Dark for example, the latter with 8 points of speed, her Silent Sha-vi had 50% chance to miss her attacks against Lira, that's what you should look for in this type of battles.

Already in round 2 the ruleset damage had practically decided the fate of the fight, cards like Xenith Monk work very well because they heal themselves, the Black Dragon and the Ritfwing also recover life and the latter came with incredible dodge chances because of its Fly + 6 speed points.



Kitty + Back to Basics + Explosive Weaponry

Los summoners legendarios brillan en peleas sin habilidades porque sus buffs ayudan el doble, eso se ve muy bien en esta batalla. Elegi a Carnage Titan como tanque porque perdio sus habilidades, aqui era perfecto, Djinn Oshannus tiene mucha vida y eso lo ayudaria a aguantar bastante el Blast, y el resto de mis cartas se enfocaban o en hacer daño muy rapido o en hacer mucho daño, el mana de 99 ayuda muchisimo a sacar las combinaciones mas brutales posibles y un plus en la partida fue su tanque, que se desaprovecha un poco porque yo no tenia ninguna carta Melee.

Ni siquiera el potente daño magico de Obsidian haria una diferencia, y eso se debe a un error de mi oponente que alineo a 3 cartas Melee, en la primera ronda tuvo dos cartas que no atacaron y que ademas reciben daño del Explosive Weaponry, dandome ventaja en ataque a mi, porque todas mis cartas podian atacar desde el turno 1.

Es importante alinear un equipo balanceado, enviar solo a las cartas mas fuertes y ya, sin ninguna estrategia, te haran perder la partida antes de empezarla, eso fue lo que le paso a mi oponente aqui.

La curacion de Kitty hizo la diferencia de nuevo en esta batalla, alargando la vida util de mis monstruos en la batalla.

Kitty + Back to Basics + Explosive Weaponry

Legendary summoners shine in fights where no abilities are allowed because their buffs help twice as much as normal, that looks very good in this battle. I chose Carnage Titan as a tank because he lost his abilities, here he was the perfect tank, Djinn Oshannus has a lot of life and that would help him withstand a lot of Blast, and the rest of my cards were focused on doing damage very fast or doing a lot of damage, the mana of 99 helps a lot to get the most brutal combinations possible and a plus in the game was his tank, which is wasted a little because I didn't have any Melee card.

Not even the powerful magic damage of Obsidian would make a difference, and that's due to a mistake of my opponent who lined up 3 Melee cards, in the first round he had two cards that didn't attack and that also receive damage from Explosive Weaponry, giving me an advantage in attack, because all my cards could attack from turn 1.

It is important to align a balanced team, send only the strongest cards and that's it, without any strategy, they will make you lose the game before starting it, that's what happened to my opponent here.

Kitty's healing made the difference again in this battle, extending the life of my monsters in the battle.

  • If you want to see this battle in full, click here.



Kitty + Noxius Fumes + No Melee

Esta fue una batalla arriesgada porque casi un tercio de mi mama disponible lo gaste en mi invocador, eso no fue problema para que Kitty de nuevo fuese la estrella de una batalla marcada por el veneno, la verdad es que no entiendo que quiso hacer mi oponente con su alineacion.

Una vez mas la velocidad sumada a la curacion me dieron la victoria, Void Dragon es de las mejores cartas que podras utilizar con Kitty porque tiene Void para enfrentar magia y contra Melee y Ranged tiene 7 puntos de velocidad, no importa que, va a recibir muy poco daño.

Si quieres ver la batalla completa haz click aqui.

Kitty + Noxius Fumes + No Melee

This was a very risky battle because almost a third part of my available mana cap was spent only in my Byzantine Kitty, that was not a problem for Kitty to be the star of a battle marked by poison, the truth is that I do not understand what my opponent wanted to do with his lineup.

Once again the speed and healing gave me the victory, Void Dragon is one of the best cards you can use with Kitty because she has Void to face magic and against Melee and Ranged she has 7 points of speed, no matter what, she will receive very little damage.

If you want to see the full battle click here.


Creo que todo lo bueno que se puede decir de los Dragones en este juego ya se ha dicho, es de lejos el mejor elemento del juego y aprender a sacarle provecho a eso va a mejorar muchisimo tus habilidades en batalla.

Este ha sido todo mi battle challenge de esta semana, espero que te sea de ayuda y te ayude a mejorar tus estrategias, puedes dejarme tus opiniones en los comentarios.

Muchas gracias por leer ¡nos vemos en un proximo post!

I think that everything good that can be said about the Dragons in this game has already been said, it is by far the best element of the game and learning how to take advantage of it will improve your skills in battle.

This has been all my battle challenge this week, I hope you find it helpful and it will help you to improve your strategies, you can leave me your opinions in the comments.

Thank you very much for reading, see you in a future post!


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All game images are taken from the official game website and Splintercards, credits to whom it may concern.

Gracias por leer.png


La gatita mas la "chavala" victoria segura. Buen combo forman.

