Real differences between Gold Foil and Regular cards [ESP-ENG]




¡Hola a todos y bienvenidos a un nuevo post!

Todo jugador de Splinterlands deberia saber lo que significa una carta dorada en comparacion a su version normal, si tu no lo sabes te lo explico rapidamente: Son mas escasas que las regulares, vienen en un nivel base mas alto y su beneficio es que te otorgan mas CP que sus versiones normales y ademas un porcentaje de bonificacion de DEC en tus victorias cuando las usas.

Hasta aqui todo bien, pero... ¿Valen realmente la pena? en este post hare algunas comparaciones sobre patrones que he llegado a observar en el mercado de cartas, asi que ¡Comencemos!

Hello everyone and welcome to a new post!

Every Splinterlands player should know what a gold card means in comparison to its normal version, if you don't know it I'll explain it to you quickly: They are scarcer than the regular ones, they come in a higher base level and their benefit is that they give you more CP than their normal versions and also a DEC bonus percentage in your victories when you use them.

So to this far, so good, but... Are this gold foil cards really worth it? In this post I will make some comparisons about patterns that I have come to observe in the card market, so let's get started!


Fijate que el comportamiento de las cartas en el mercado es bastante distinto entre sus versiones regulares y doradas, y como dato curioso, cuando la version regular de esta carta (Quix Devious) esta a la alza, su dorada esta a la baja y viceversa.

Note that the behavior of the cards in the market is quite different between their regular and gold versions, and as a curious fact, when the regular version of this card (Quix Devious) is on the rise, its gold version is on the fall and vice versa.


La economia de las cartas.

Este tiene que ser por obligacion el primer punto a considerar, debido a la diferencia de precios que tienen estas cartas.

The economics of cards.

This has to be by obligation the first point to consider, due to the high price difference between these cards.


Lo primero que hay que hacer es no dejarse sorprender por el precio de una carta, sea regular o dorada. Si no analizas bien tus compras vas a terminar gastando mas de lo que creiste que ibas a gastar. Yo para hacer este post voy a analizar mi carta favorita de cada edicion, asi podremos ir viendo las diferencias que provoca la verdadera escasez de cartas en el mercado.

  • Alfa.

For this point, the first thing to do is not to be surprised by the price of a cards in the market, be it regular foil or gold foil. If you do not analyze well your purchases you will end up spending more than you thought you were going to spend. To do this post I will analyze my favorite card of each edition, so we can see the differences that cause the real scarcity of cards in the market.

  • Alpha.


Veamos esta carta como un primer ejemplo, Haunted Spider en su version Alfa.

1 BCX regular de esta carta te da 30 CP y cuesta 5.64$, su version dorada te da 1,500 CP y cuesta 265$. Esto significa que necesitas 50 cartas regulares para conseguir el CP que te da su version dorada, y si multiplicas 50 cartas por 5.64$ que vale cada una, te costaria 282$, 17$ mas de lo que vale su version dorada. El problema real aqui es que ahora mismo solo hay 34 cartas disponibles en el mercado y 2 de ellas estan por encima del nivel 4, esto es lo que provoca la escasez de cartas al ser una edicion ya tan antigua, ahora suponiendo que puedas comprar los 50 BCX regulares de la carta, la llevarias a nivel 6, que son 2 niveles por encima del que tiene la version Dorada.


  • Beta.

Let's look at this card as a first example, Haunted Spider in its Alpha version.

1 regular BCX of this card gives you 30 CP and costs 5.64 dollars, its golden version gives you 1,500 CP and costs 265 dollars. This means that you need 50 regular cards to get the CP that the gold version gives you, and if you multiply 50 cards by 5.64 dollars each, it would cost you 282 dollars, that's 17 dollars more than the gold version. The real problem here is that right now there are only 34 cards available in the market and 2 of them are above level 4, this is what causes the shortage of cards to be such an old edition, now assuming you can buy the 50 regular BCX of the card, you would take it to level 6, to compare, which are 2 levels above the gold version in level 4.


  • Beta.


Veamos aqui a otra de mis favoritas, Haunted Spirit en version Beta, 1 BCX regular cuesta 10.99$ mientras que una version subida de nivel vende cada bcx por 4.381$, menos de la mitad, hay bastantes precios asi ultimamente en el mercado. Volviendo al principio, 1 BCX regular de la carta otorga 60 CP... ¿Y su version dorada? estas vienen en nivel 3 por defecto, 1 carta de estas vale 150$ y te da 3,000 CP. De nuevo, necesitarás 50 cartas regulares para alcanzar el mismo CP de la dorada, si compras 50 cartas regulares de Haunted Spirit la podrás llevar a nivel 6 y cerca del 7, mientras que su version dorada está a nivel 3. ¿Pero y los precios? los 150$ que cuesta una version dorada te compra casi 14 cartas regulares, osea a nivel 4.


  • Promo.

Let's look here at another of my favorites cards in the game, The Haunted Spirit in it's Beta version, 1 regular BCX costs 10.99$ while an upgraded version sells each bcx for 4.381$, less than half, there are quite a few prices like that lately in the market. Going back to the beginning, 1 regular BCX of the card grants 60 CP... And its golden version? these come in level 3 by default, 1 of these cards is worth 150$ and gives you 3,000 CP. Again, you will need 50 regular cards to reach the same CP of the golden one, if you buy 50 regular cards of Haunted Spirit you can take it to level 6 and close to 7, while its golden version is at level 3. But what about the prices? 150$ that costs a golden version buys you almost 14 regular cards, that is to say at level 4.


  • Promo.


Molten Ogre es una carta de edicion Promo con un caso bastante particular que es lo opuesto a lo que he mostrado hasta ahora, fijate:

1 BCX regular de Molten Ogre vale 1.333$ (y $0.686 x BCX al nivel 6 ahora mismo) mientras que su version Dorada vale 99$. ¿Que significa esto? pues con 99$ puedes comprarte 74 cartas regulares de Molten Ogre, que te darian 2220 CP y estaria a nivel 6 y a medio camino del nivel 7, mientras que su version dorada te da 1500 CP y esta a nivel 4, una carta Promo y dorada te da doble bono de DEC por victoria pero no me parece a mi que a corto plazo merezca la pena el sobreprecio tan amplio que tiene la version regular con la dorada.


  • Reward.

Molten Ogre is a Common Promo edition card with a quite particular case that is the opposite of what I have shown so far, see:

One regular BCX of Molten Ogre is worth $1.333 dollars (and $0.686 x BCX at level 6 right now) while its Gold Foil version is worth $99. What does this mean? with 99$ you can buy 74 regular Molten Ogre cards, which would give you 2220 CP and would be at level 6 and halfway to the level 7, while its gold foil version gives you just 1500 CP and is at level 4, a Promo and gold card gives you double DEC bonus for victory but I do not think that in the short term is worth the large overprice that has the regular version with the gold Foil.


  • Reward.



Ahora mismo se estan dando casos bastante peculiares con la edicion Reward actual, fijate este Pelacor Bandit que vale apenas 2 centavos por 1 BCX regular y su Gold Foil vale 0.479, dando 5 y 125 CP respectivamente. Alcanzar el CP de la dorada con cartas regulares cuesta 0.5$ asi que podrias pensar que es mejor comprar una dorada, pero hay tanta oferta ahora mismo con las rewards que viendolo desde el punto de vista economico te da igual comprarla dorada o regular, ya que ambas terminaran costando lo mismo si comparas el precio de una con la otra, no sudede lo mismo que con Molten Ogre, por ejemplo. Pero con Harklaw esto no sucede, ya que si lo analizas te daras cuenta que el precio de su version Dorada se excede en mas de 10$ comparado a comprar la misma cantidad de CP en version regular, y eso sin sumar el hecho de que podrias tener 2 Harklaw a nivel maximo y otro de nivel 2 y comparandolos entre si, con lo que compras 1 Harklaw dorado ahora mismo comprarias 32 Harklaws regulares, es decir; 3 Harklaws regulares a nivel maximo. ¿Curioso, no?


  • Untamed.

Right now there are quite peculiar cases with the current Reward edition, look at this Pelacor Bandit that is worth just 2 cents for 1 regular BCX and its Gold Foil is worth 0.479, giving 5 and 125 CP respectively. Reaching the CP of the gold with regular cards costs 0.5$ so you might think it is better to buy a gold one, but there is so much offer right now with the rewards that looking at it from the economic point of view you don't care if you buy gold or regular, since both will end up costing the same if you compare the price of one with the other, not sudede the same as with Molten Ogre, for example. But with Harklaw this does not happen, because if you analyze it you will realize that the price of its Gold version is exceeded by more than 10$ compared to buy the same amount of CP in regular version, and that without adding the fact that you could have 2 Harklaw at maximum level and another of level 2 and comparing them with each other, with what you buy 1 gold Harklaw now you would buy 32 regular Harklaws, that is; 3 regular Harklaws at maximum level. Curious, isn't it?


  • Untamed.


Con las Untamed entra mucho en juego le dependencia de la carta en el Meta actual, fijate este ejemplo del Mustang Unicorn que vale 6.549$ y 53.84$ respectivamente. El regular te da 40 CP y el dorado te da 2000. Necesitas 50 unidades regulares de Mustang Unicorn para alcanzar 2000 de poder, eso seria ahora mismo 327.45$ Aqui es al contrario, es mejor comprar la version dorada que la regular, pero entran varios factores que determinan este precio, por ejemplo el nivel, la dorada viene en nivel 2 mientras que 50 regulares juntas hacen una carta de nivel 5 y dos de nivel 2. Aun asi, con 327$ comprarias 6 cartas doradas de Mustang Unicorn que serian 12.000 CP y 2 cartas, una de nivel 4 y una de nivel 3 respectivamente. ¿Y por que pasan estas cosas? si lo normal es que la dorada sea mas cara porque es mas rara y escasa, pues la demanda que tiene Mustang Unicorn actualmente hace que muchos jugadores ignoren el precio y solo vayan por la carta sin importarles si estan pagando mas o menos por ella.


  • Dice.

With the Untamed the dependence of the card on the current Meta comes into play, look at this example of the Mustang Unicorn which is worth 6.549$ and 53.84$ respectively. The regular one gives you 40 CP and the golden one gives you 2000. You need 50 regular Mustang Unicorn units to reach 2000 power, that would be right now 327.45$. Here it is the opposite, it is better to buy the golden version than the regular one, but there are several factors that determine this price, for example the level, the golden one comes in level 2 while 50 regular ones together make one level 5 card and two level 2. Even so, with 327$ you would buy 6 gold Mustang Unicorn cards which would be 12.000 CP and 2 cards, one of level 4 and one of level 3 respectively. And why do these things happen? if the normal thing is that the gold is more expensive because it is more rare and scarce, then the demand that has Mustang Unicorn currently makes many players ignore the price and just go for the card without caring if they are paying more or less for it.


  • Dice.


Esta carta es de mis favoritas de todo el juego, pero dejando eso a un lado, la diferencia de precios de nuevo nos arroja un resultado parecido al del Mustang en Untamed, y es que esta es una carta muy demandada en el meta actual y eso la hace ser muy codiciada, haciendo que su precio suba y provocando que a los compradores no les importe lo que estan gastando, pero ahora mismo, la dorada te da 500 CP y comprar 500 CP de esta carta en version regular te costará 32 dolares, el triple de lo que cuesta su version dorada. Con esos mismos 32$ comprarias 3 BCX dorados que te darian el triple del CP y ademas, la podrias subir a nivel 4.


  • Chaos Legion.

This Battering Ram is one of my favorites of the whole game, great design and a great and underestimated power, but leaving that aside, the price difference again gives us a result similar to the Mustang in Untamed, and this is a very demanded card in the current meta and that makes it very coveted, making its price go up and causing that buyers do not care what they are spending, but right now, the gold gives you 500 CP and buy 500 CP of this card in regular version will cost you 32 dollars, triple the cost of the gold version. With that same 32$ you would buy 3 gold BCX that would give you triple the CP and also, you could upgrade it to level 4.


  • Chaos Legion.



Aqui les doy 2 ejemplos de cartas, una que no tiene una demanda tan marcada, el Hardy Stonefish y otra que al contrario, se busca mucho, Adelade Brightwing.

Comprar 12,500 CP con versiones regulares de Adelade te costara 200$, su GF te costara la mitad de eso, como ves en la imagen. Lo peculiar viene al momento de analizar a Hardy Stonefish, que no es una carta que tenga una demanda amplia en el mercado por que no es muy atractiva de usar, ni siquiera aprende habilidades... pero comparar sus precios te hara darte cuenta que 125 CP de la version regular de esta carta te costara el doble del valor de su BCX dorado. ¿Por que sucede esto? mas abajo dejo mis teorias.

Here are 2 examples of Chaos Legion Edition cards, one that is not in high demand, the Hardy Stonefish, and the other that is in high demand, Adelade Brightwing.

Buying 12,500 Colection Power with regular versions of Adelade will cost you 200$, its GF will cost you half of that, as you can see in the image. The peculiar thing comes when analyzing Hardy Stonefish, which is not a card that has a wide demand in the market because it is not very attractive to use, it doesn't even learn skills... but comparing their prices will make you realize that 125 CP of the regular version of this card will cost you twice the value of its golden BCX. Why does this happen? below I leave my theories.


Mis conclusiones:

  • Un patron que se repite siempre en todos los casos que revise es que las cartas doradas siempre seran mas caras porque los niveles de cada una no se pueden promediar, es decir, volvamos al ejemplo de Adelade, los 12,500 en cartas regulares son 25 cartas, eso son 2 cartas a nivel maximo, una a nivel 2 y otra a nivel 1, por el mismo dinero comprarias solo 2 doradas, es decir 1 carta a nivel 3.

  • Las doradas siempre se van mas por el lado del CP que del poder de competencia real, y con las regulares sucede lo contrario, siempre tendras mas BCX individuales que se traduce en cartas con mas nivel y mas poderosas.

  • ¿Que aconsejo yo? Pues ir primero por el mazo fuerte, el que sera tu consentido, el poderoso, y luego si te hace falta CP, ve por cartas doradas que complementen tu mazo pero que no sean una necesidad real para tu equipo, aunque si el dinero no es problema para ti, te recomiendo estudiar las doradas e ir por las que mas te gusten.

  • Estos son solo uno de tantos ejemplos que se pueden hacer con cada una de las cartas asi que quiero dejar esta pregunta abierta a todos mis lectores:

¿Crees que vale la pena comprar cartas doradas?

Dejamelo saber en los comentarios. Espero que les haya gustado la lectura y nos vemos en mi proximo post.

My conclusions:

  • A pattern that is always repeated in all the cases that I reviewed is that the golden cards will always be more expensive because the levels of each one can not be averaged, ie, back to the example of Adelade, the 12,500 in regular cards are 25 cards, that is 2 cards at maximum level, one at level 2 and one at level 1, for the same money you would buy only 2 gold, ie 1 card at level 3.

  • The golds always go more for the CP side than for the real competitive power, and with the regulars the opposite happens, you will always have more individual BCX which translates into higher level and more powerful cards.

  • What do I advise? Well, go for the strong deck first, the one that will be your favorite, the powerful one, and then if you need CP, go for golden cards that complement your deck but are not a real need for your team, although if money is not a problem for you, I recommend you to study the golden cards and go for the ones you like the most.

  • These cards are just one of many examples that can be done with each of the cards so I want to leave this question open to all my readers:

Do you think it's worth buying golden cards?

Let me know in the comments. I hope you enjoyed the reading and I'll see you in my next post.


Coloco este wallpaper aqui solo para hacerle publicidad, fue publicado en el ultimo AMA y a mi ¡me fascino! esta espectacular.

I put this wallpaper here just to advertise it, it was published in the last AMA and I loved it! it's spectacular.


Si eres hispano y quieres unirte a un clan haz click aqui

Click the image  you wanna play Splinterlands!

All game images are taken from the official game website and Splintercards, credits to whom it may concern.

Gracias por leer.png


Thanks for taking the time to walk through the pros and cons of card qualities. I'd definitely agree that Gold Foils are akin to "investment grade" assets that are used more for rentals and passive earnings than actively applied value.



So it is, leaving aside the fact that they are very nice of course, but I see them more as an investment than to really play with them, which of course would be ideal, but their prices make it a little out of the limit, as I explained in the post, thanks to you for reading and for the support.




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Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar

Las cartas doradas son una manera de potenciar tu mazo y obtener ciertos beneficios que podrían ser útiles en tu equipo, aunque a veces venderlas y mejorar otras cartas puede ser una excelente opción.


good post :)


Thanks to you for reading!




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Good read. I'm a fan of GF for the DEC bonus, but within financial constraints. Commons and rares mostly as it's easier on the wallet. Sharing this on


That's right, I personally look for the GF of the cards I use the most, especially with Chaos Legion that I think have very good prices right now.

Thanks for your support!




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