
Hello guys,

Today i will be talking about my strategy playing the no-attack card. This post is powered by the @splinterlands, a decentralised card game on the hive blockchain. If you want to find out more information about the game click here. You can also be part of this week"s themed battle challenge. Find out more information here.

Above is a short video of one of the games i played recently on splinterland where i started the Peaceful Giant


This isn't one of my favourite cards on the game. I can count the number of times i have used this card on one hand. Asides being a high mana card it does actually nothing. However, depending on your strategy or that of your opponent or even the game mode, cards such as this can be very useful. I will explain below.


In the video above i played the keep your distance game mode which excludes cards with melee attack. So I was left with the option of picking between magic and range attack cards. As a general rule, range attack cards cannot be used at the frontline or they will be totally useless (well, except the game mode permits it), leaving you with magic attack cards (or the no-attack cards). Now, most magic cards i own have low health which doesn't make them ideal for the front. This leaves me with the no-attack card as my best form of defence while i attack from the back.



I often use no-attack cards like the Creeping Ooze as the 5th card while battling especially when battling with the life element because it is a low mama card and it has a unique ability of slowing your opponent's attack. Secondly, most players like to launch a dual attack--front and back attack with cards that possess the sneak ability and having the Creeping Ooze at your backline with a shield slows the pace of your opponent's attack which is an added advantage for you.

Like i mentioned earlier, the no-attack card isn't one of my favourite cards and i would avoid using it as much as possible, especially those with high mana. My game-play is more aggressive and i like all my cards to be actively contributing to my attack.

From the game/video above i would say i was quite lucky given my card selections. The earth element isn't one of my favourite elements (lol i sold most of my magic cards). i would have done better with Wood Nymph and Earth Elemental (but i won anyway)

So I would like to hear about your thoughts and strategy while using no-attack cards in the comment section. Thanks for stopping by. Cheers.

