The Magnificent Quartet of the Element of Life - Chest Loot November 24, 2021


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I have 4 favorite monsters in the life element in Splinterlands they are Shieldbearer, Djinn Renova, Divine Healer and Venari Crystalsmith. In many battles where I prefer the Life element, I always add them to the team and when the four of them are together, they make a great team. They can win 70% of the battles in battles with 25 and 30 mana.

My Team in the Video

First of all, I would like to point out that the summoner and monsters I use in this battle are at level 1.

I chose Tyrus Paladium as the summoner in this battle. Tyrus Paladium grants all friendly monsters +1 armor. Armor is very important to many monsters, and enemy monsters cannot damage their health (except Magic attacks and monsters with special abilities) until they finish the armor. Also, if I had chosen Mother Khala in the battle in the video, the result would still not have changed.

Shieldbearer is a rare life monster and one of the playable NFT cards for all players. Shieldbearer has taunt ability at level 1. All enemy monsters target this monster first. That's why it's very important to have at least one healer on the team to prevent it from being destroyed. If there are 2 healers in the team, it will be quite difficult to destroy the Shieldbearer.


Djinn Renova is a rare life monster. Djinn Renova has the ability to strengthen at level 1 and increases all friendly monsters health by +1. Also, Djinn Renova attacks the enemy monster's direct health with 2 magic attacks.


Venari Crystalsmith is a rare life beast and has the ability to tank heal at level 1. Venari Crystalsmith restores some of the health of the first position monster each round, and also attacks enemy monsters with 1 range attack.


Divine Healer is a common life beast and is a playable NFT card for all players. Divine Healer has the ability to tank heal and restores some of the health of the first position monster each round. But Divine Healer has no attack power at level 1.


Peacebringer is a rare life monster and one of the NFT cards playable for all players. Peacebringer attacks enemy monsters with 2 range attacks.

The Story of Battle


At the start of the battle, the monsters in my team have a total health of 27, and a total armor of 4. Increased total armor and health thanks to summoner and monsters on my team. But due to the monster on the opposing team with the weaken ability, all monsters in my team have health reduced by -1. Therefore, before I started the battle, the monsters in my team had a total health of 27 and a total armor of 9.


The battle didn't last long and it ended in the 6th round and my team won this battle very easily. When the battle was over, the monsters in my team had a total health of 32 and a total armor of 4. In short, when the battle was over, my team was stronger than before the battle started.

Today's Daily Quest

My daily quest today was the neutral quest. This quest was pretty easy for me. I looted 3 chests because I'm at Silver II level.



  • Djinn Chwala Epic Dragon Monster
  • Pelacor Mercenary Common Earth Monster
  • 6 DEC

It was great to receive the Djinn Chwala NFT card as a reward. Djinn Chwala is also one of my favorite monsters. With this reward, I got 2 Djinn Chwala NFT cards. Djinn Chwala has the ability of thorns at level 1. Djinn Chwala has the ability to enrage at level 4. That's why I would love to upgrade this nft card to level 4 in the future.


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