Splinterlands - Brawl battle report #4 / 公會戰報告#4


Brawl battle report Heading.png

大家好, 第4次公會戰報告來了。我是公會“YMGE永夢”的副會長, 首先介紹一下我們的公會“YMGE永夢”。

Hello everyone, here comes the #4 Brawl battle report. I am the Co-Leader of the Guild "YMGE永夢 ". First of all, I would like to introduce our Guild "YMGE 永夢".


公會簡介 / Introduction of our Guild

這是一個主要由香港玩家組成的公會, 現時公會大廳等級為4, 正在努力經營。我個人的兩個Splinterlands帳戶都在這個公會中。

This is a Guild mainly composed of Hong Kong players, and the current Guild hall level is 4, and it is working hard. Both of my personal Splinterlands accounts are in this guild.



剛結束的公會戰成績 / Recent Brawl battle result

現在來看看剛剛結束的公會戰結果(25 Jul 2022)

Now take a look at the results of the last Brawl battle (25 Jul 2022)


我們這次以36W 35L的成績排名第三。排名比上一次好。

We finished third this time with a 36W 35L. The ranking is better than last time.

個人成績 / Personal Results



再一次是會員Engor以15分排榜首, 連續兩次拿到第一名。我的第一賬號以12分排第二, 第二賬號以9分排第6。

Once again, member Engor topped the list with 15 points, winning the first place twice in a row. My first account ranked second with a score of 12, and my second account ranked sixth with a score of 9.

這次公會戰只能取得754 Merit的獎勵。但暫時未能購入公會咭包。

This guild battle can only get 754 Merit as a reward. However, the guild card pack cannot be purchased at the moment.

最後歡迎我們的新成員 karsonsim, 很期待他在公會戰的表現。
報告結束, 多謝各位閱覽, 下次再見。

Finally welcome to our new member karsonsim, looking forward to his performance in guild battles.
It is the end of the report. Thank you for your reading and see you next time.


如果您想玩 Splinterlands,請隨時單擊推薦鏈接加入遊戲。 我會為你轉賬 100 DEC。 它可以用來租卡玩遊戲並贏得戰鬥以獲得更多獎勵。

If you want to play Splinterlands, please feel free to click the Referral Link to enter my referral code. And I will transfer 100 DEC for you. It can use for renting cards to play the game and win the battle for more rewards.

