Splinterlands Weekly Challenge: ANT MINERS



Good day guys!

I decided to join the Share your Battle weekly challenge using the Ant Miners. I was looking for a way on when is the perfect time to use it during a battle.

Battle information

The battle mana cap was 24 with the "Super sneak and Holy Protection" rules. Me and my opponent were both using the Fire splinter.


My Lineup
Summoner: Malric Inferno
Monsters: Living Lava, Cerberus, Kobold Bruiser, Serpentine Spy, Ant miners, and Goblin Fireballer.

Opponents Lineup
Summoner: Malric Inferno
Monsters: Serpentine Soldier, Cerberus, Ant miners, Flame Monkey, Kobold Bruiser, and Goblin Shaman.


The Battle

Here's the link of the whole battle

Round 1

On this Battle, I was really thinking about what splinter to use, when I saw the super sneak rule and noticed that there was no Earth Splinter. I picked the Fire Splinter. I just love using Living Lava as my tank because of the high shield and the reduction. During the First round, We were just removing the Divine shields from each other and we both killed our monsters at the backline. I was already regretting where I put my Ant Miners because despite getting hp from scavenge he got damaged during this round.


Round 2

My Ant Miners died and I saw kinda nervous because my opponent utilized the Ant Miners better than me. I love using Serpentine Spy because of its speed and the ability opportunity. Because of him and Kobold Bruiser, I was able to take out his Flame Monkey before it was able to attack. But I noticed that his Ant Miners got 6 hp from all the dead monsters.
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Round 3

My Serpentine Spy died during this round and my monsters were able to damage the Ant Miner, but it wasn't enough to kill him.
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Round 4

I was really lucky that my Living lava was able to do its work on the frontline because it was able to take out the Serpentine Soldier, and if you look at my opponent, his ant miners was still alive and doing some damage at the same time, gaining some hp.

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Round 5

My Cerberus finally took out the Ant Miners. This is where you could see the importance of card placement. My opponent was able to make his Ant Miners survive until this round.
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Round 6 and 7

My Living Lava was able to survive until these rounds, that's why I love using him as my tank against melee or ranged monsters. I was supposed to win on the sixth round if my Living Lava didn't Miss. So during the last round my Cerberus Finished him off, giving me the WIN.
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Spoils of War

I got 11.037 DEC and my rating increased by 15.

Did your strategy work?
My strategy using Ant Miners didn't work against my opponent, but my opponent was the one who utilized him well. But my overall strategy worked and I think the MVP of this battle was the living lava for surviving all those rounds.

Do you like the Ant Miners?
I actually like using Ant miners when the Mana Cap is low and depending on the rules like melee mayhem and super sneak. I also make it a point that there's no Earth Splinter. I really hate Mylor's Thorns. I would use him depending on the situation. All I can use are level one cards where I couldn't use its full potential. The problem with using Ant Miner's is its speed and hp. Once an opponent has the ability opportunistic, it could become an easy target.

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Thanks for reading and stay safe always!

Some images were taken from here1 2 3



I cant seem to find a battle where my ant miner would fit. Hehe. I tried a couple for the sake of this challengge but i lost on both. Lol. Kinda tricky. But i remember some old battles it went well too, in all fairness to it.


Hehehe, It's actually difficult to place him if it's low leveled. But I know you'll be able to pull one off hehe. Thanks for dropping by!


Good Battle challenge description with your ant miners.
It is difficult to play the fire monsters at a low level but you did great in this challenge.
Thank you for sharing your battle


Thank you so much!
Yup, it's really difficult to use him, especially if your placement is wrong. But it's really fun doing these challenges

Thank you so much for dropping by!
