9 Mana Queen Of The Sea


Share Your Battle (5).png


Hi everybody,

My name is @shawnnft and I'm here to share my challenge blog post for the Share Your Battle Challenge. The theme featured this week is Nerissa Tridawn. I will share how to use this card with my thoughts on the card as well as share one battle as an example.


When To Use Nerissa Tridawn


I feel Nerissa Tridawn is best used in high mana and odd ones out ruleset. When I say high mana, I mean around 50-100 mana cap battles. It can also be good in magic only teams if you're playing wild and have access to Valnamor or Alric. It's also pretty solid in back to basic rulesets because it has high base damage and health. A new ruleset that it can be good at provided earth element isn't available is wands out which is a ruleset that forces players to use cards with magic attack only.


The Battle

I played this battle on my scholar account, bltzr-wizard-727. The battle link can be found here. This battle is in diamond wild league. The ruleset for this battle was aim true and broken arrows with a 60 mana cap. The life element was not usable. Because this is a true aim ruleset, I knew that monsters with high speed, high damage and high health were the best choices. Water fits this along with dragons so I chose Quix with the water element as the cards for dragon and water are suitable for the high speed, high damage or high health that I want for this battle.


Discussing My Lineup


First Position, Baakjira - I chose Baakjira to be the main tanker. This card is a pretty popular front line tank in gold league and higher. It's beefy and can heal itself for around 5 health per turn which can tank a lot of damage over the rounds.

Second Position, Carnage Titan* - I chose Carnage Titan as a secondary tank that can do a lot of DPS as well. Since it's true aim, Carnage Titan is a solid choice in this ruleset since it can dish out 6 damage per round. It also has decent health with a lot of armor.

*Third Position, Djinn Oshannus - I chose Djinn Oshannus for this third spot as damage but also an off tank since it has void and phase which can really stall for my backline if it got to that situation.

Fourth Position, Nerissa Tridawn - I chose Nerissa Tridawn for this spot as a main source of damage. This card as mentioned before it pretty solid in high mana battles and with the guaranteed hit, it was a no brainer to put her in my lineup.

Fifth Position, Deeplurker - The main purpose for Deeplurker was to be my assassin. The point of it was to clear low health squishy targets and it also gives a nice demoralize debuff against the enemy team.

Final Position, Chaos Dragon - The purpose of Chaos Dragon was to defend against any sneak since Chaos Dragon has 4 armor and flying. It also had another purpose of attacking the backline with scattershot and blast which would help give the Deeplurker some low health targets to finish off.


Did My Strategy Work? & Would I try differently next time?

Yes, my strategy worked. If you watched the battle, everything went according to what I wanted to in my discussion on the lineup. The opponent played a sneak monster and my Chaos Dragon was able to deter it from destroying my backline. My Baakjira was super tanky and if I'm not wrong my team was able to out dps and tank the opponent's team which ultimately led me to my victory. However, the opponent did play under leveled cards which was also a big reason why I won. I'm still unsure why people do this and I hope people start buying or renting a bit extra for the higher leveled cards.


Do I Like Nerissa Tridawn? Why Or Why Not?

To answer this, I do like Nerissa Tridawn. It's a staple card that can be used in any league from Bronze-Champ. The art is nice and does follow the water theme. Not my type of girl in terms of looks but love her when she carries and wins me games. I would recommend owning it and maybe hoarding some copies of it since it's quite cheap right now. It's only around $1.50 per bcx as the time I'm writing this which I feel is super undervalued for how useful this card is.


Thank You

If you made it here, thank you so much for reading all the way to the end. I appreciate the support.

If you are interested in trying Splinterlands please use this link here. If you did use my referal link, let me know in the comment section, I will do my best to help whether that be delegating you cards, sending you cards and teaching you how to play. Once again, thank you so much.



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Other photo are screenshots from Splinterland in game
Blog Dividers from @kyo-gaming. Free to use. You can get it here
