A low mana card you'll want on your side, meet Whelper Herder


To win a battle in Splinterlands you need to have good cards and a good strategy. Many will say that a solid defense is always a strategy and I agree with that most of the time, but every defense can be broken if you have a good attack and for that you will need cards with a strong attack and also with abilities that will help break down the defense and for that occasion there are 2 in particular which is Sneak and Opportunity.

In this post I will talk about the Whelp Herder card that has the Opportunity ability and how it can be a great ally for your battles.

Who is Whelp Herder?

Whelp Herder is a card that recently arrived in Splinterlands, it belongs to the Riftwatchers edition and maybe it's not very common for you to see them in battles but don't worry because that doesn't mean that it isn't a good card to have.

To find the Whelp Herder card and its information such as purchase/rent price or its Stats is very simple and you will only need to go to the Splinterlands Marketplace and filter by: Edition - Riftwatchers / Rarity - Common / Element - Dragon / Role - Monsters. After doing this, the Whelp Herder card will appear and you will only need to click on it to access all your information.

In the Cards section you will find how many Whelp Herder cards you have, it will also show their level and you will also be able to perform operations such as selling/renting it, raising its level and transferring it to other players.

In the For Sale part you will find players selling Whelp Herder cards and to buy you will only need to select the one you want to buy and pay in DEC or credits.

In the For Rent part you will find players renting cards from Whelp Herder and to rent you will only need to select the card and pay in DEC or credits.

In the Stats section you will find the main information about the Whelp Herder that you need to have, such as its mana cost, attack, speed, life and abilities.

As you can see he is a card that costs 3 mana and this is good news as low mana battles are very common in Splinterlands and you will certainly want to have Whelp Herder in these battles because he has a good amount of attack and also a good amount of life, this means that he will deal good damage to his opponent's cards and he will not be defeated so easily, but what really draws attention to him is his Opportunity ability that I will explain now.

In total the Whelp Herder has 3 abilities which are Opportunity, Snare and Dispel.

Enable Level 1 (Opportunity)

The Opportunity ability is the main highlight of Whelp Herder and it will make him target his opponent's card with the lowest life and this will be a great opportunity to give a finishing blow and defeat his opponent's card. This ability will be useful in 2 ways, first it will be like an executioner since it will give the final blow and the less cards your opponent has in the battle the greater his chances of victory will be, the second way is attacking the back line since usually when if you have a defense strategy the first position card will be the main defense and the back lines will have the supports, so eliminating those supports will make a big difference to break through your opponent's defense.

Enable Level 5 (Snare)

The Snare ability will remove the Flying ability from the card that the Whelp Herder attacks if it has this ability and as many may already know it is very annoying to fight against cards that have the Flying ability so removing it from the opponent's cards can give you a good advantage .

Enable Level 10 (Dispel)

The Dispel ability will clear all positive stats from the card the Whelp Herder attacks, the only exception being the stats granted by summoners.

In my opinion Opportunity is Whelp Herder's best ability but Snare and Dispel are not bad and in the right battles they will be very useful in battles.

The last part is the Lore that will give you more information about the origin of the Whelp Herder card and I will leave it below in case you are curious to read it.

That was my post about the Whelper Herder card, if you want you can also look and participate in my daily giveaway that can be found on my blog. Bye!


The first whelp pens were built on the Sands over a century ago—tall, fenced domes that were sturdy enough to hold a dozen of the creatures. Without exercise, however, the young dragons became unruly and sometimes violent. The Gloridax traders employed Whelp Herders, nomadic dragonborn well-practiced in dealing with young dragons, many of whom had collected their eggs from Dragon’s Roost. A skilled Whelp Herder could ensure the young whelps got the exercise they needed while keeping them safe from predators and preventing escape.

Whelp Herders carry long crooks imbued with magic that subdues the whelps, making them easier to control. If a whelp wanders too high, the crook can snare it from the sky. And when predators threaten the herd, the crooks can be a formidable weapon.

Positive Herding: My Six Top Tips

  1. No Basilisk Needed to Herd Whelps. Basilisks are just as unpredictable as whelps. If you don’t fit their blinders securely, they’re liable to kill your entire flock with a glance.
  2. Herd Whelps Quietly. This may seem obvious, but if you don’t have control of the flock, they are likely to run amok. Quiet is calm, and calm makes for an easier life.
  3. Remove Obstacles from Whelps’ Path. “But they can fly over them,” I hear you cry. Well, like other young flying creatures, whelps are curious. If they fly into the sky, it increases their field of view. Before you know it, they’ll be off, chasing something they shouldn’t be.
  4. Keep Whelps Separated. Whelps have an insatiable appetite. Combine that with their curiosity, and you have a recipe for disaster if you decide to corral them anywhere near another creature. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
  5. Whelps Like a Well-lit Entryway. As with any young creature, whelps have an innate fear of the dark. So, if you don’t want them flying away or spluttering fire at the whelp pens to light them up, invest in some adequate lighting around the entryway to help guide them home.
  6. Work with Whelps When It’s Warm. The best time to work with whelps is when it’s hot. I mean, smoking hot. If you try to move them when it’s cold, all you’ll get is gnashing teeth and prickly temperaments. Stressed whelps are difficult whelps.

–Extract from Whelpherds of Draykh-Nahka by Zoskrag Collie
