Battle Challenge featuring Pelacor Arbalest


Hello to all players and newcomers. This weeks battle challenge is using "Pelacor Arbalest". First thing let's look at the cards statistics.


Right from level 1 this card has the
"Double strike" ability. Which means it will attack twice every time it's turn comes around. This plays a huge difference in why I won the Battle that I chose for this week.

For descriptions of all the cards, abilities and much more visit

Let's look at my battle, lineup and strategy.



Ruleset: Standard
Mana Cap:20
Splinters: Life VS Fire

Use this link to view my battle:

Before we discuss strategy here's a visual display of the cards in my lineup.


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The Summoner
General Sloan

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Additional Attributes:
+1 Ranged attacks


The Monsters
Soul Fiend
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Pelacor Conjurer

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Dax Paragon
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Celestial Harpy

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Pelacor Arbalest
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Venari Crystalsmith

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My strategy here uses both the additional ranged attack power given by "General Sloane" and the "Double Strike" ability used by "Pelacor Arbalest".
Without this combination clearly I would've lost this battle. So, I start off with my "Soul Fiend"just so he takes some of the enemies attack away. Next up is my "Pelacor Conjurer" who acts as a flying distraction so my backfield can attack. It amazes me how many attacks this card will avoid. Plus, any incurred damage will be replenished by my "Venari Crystalsmith" and her "Tank Heal" ability. All the while, every time the "Pelacor Arbalest" attacks it shoots 3 damage X2 with the double strike ability. I believe more than once this card defeats 2 enemy cards on it's turn. Things get very tight toward the end of the Battle and are actually looking rather grim but the increased power and double attack pay off and are the entire reason for my victory in this battle. Please see my link above to view how this plays out. Thank you for reading my post all tips,follows and upvotes will be returned.

Special thanks to @hoahuyenluan54
for selecting the enemy team.

