Mystery Potions Rewards: 1-5-2021


Block: 53510400

Daily statistics post calculating the NET DEC value resulting from Mystery Potion Prizes. Shop prices without discounts are used to generate the following statistics. Today's NET: 89580.

Mystery Prize

Winner Prize DEC
@rdkmedia 1 Land Plot 20000
@nicole-st 1 Land Plot 20000
@lbs2006 1 Land Plot 20000
@bepoppin 1 Land Plot 20000
@astralraven 1 Land Plot 20000
Total 5 Land Plots 100000


Type Quantity 💰DEC💰
UNTAMED 45 90000


Type Quantity 💰DEC💰
Legendary 80 3200
Alchemy 60 3000
Quest 11 8250
Mystery 9 10800

Rewards Cards


Rarity Quantity 🔥DEC🔥
Common 17 170
Rare 4 160
Epic 0 0
Legendary 0 0
Total Standard 21 330


Rarity Quantity 🔥DEC🔥
Common 0 0
Rare 0 0
Epic 0 0
Legendary 0 0
Total Gold 0 0

Total DEC Valuation

Prizes Received

Category DEC
Mystery Prizes 100000
Potions 25250
Reward Cards 330
Packs 90000
Total 215580

Approximate Cost

Mystery Potions Running DEC
105 126000

Net DEC Value

Balance DEC
Received 215580
Paid 126000
Net 89580

This daily post for Splinterlands players is one of several @splinterstats tools, including a Season Report Card, a list of Rewards Cards in and out of print, and a filtereable list of all Cards by League Cap and other stats.
Follow @splinterstats and come visit us in Discord if you have any questions.
