Change on the daily focus reward system. Immediately


As it is right now, we are getting a daily focus with the chests equally to the league we are just at the starting of daily focus. That means that we need to have enough power before we even start the daily focus. For the old users, this is not a problem since they have enough power to play in any league they want but the new and not-that-rich players need to rent power before the starting of the daily focus.
This is WRONG.
It is like spending twice the amount to play in the league that you like.

For example, I'm at diamond league and I rent 400 power BUT i didn't understand this until i saw this


Yeap. I had to be in diamond before I get the daily focus assignment.

This means that I had to rent more than 250k power before the start and then rent even more. DOUBLE THE PRICE basically. Im playing every 2 days to be able to sustain the my ERC so daily rent is out of question

I suggest 3 ways to fix this greedy and unsustainable (for the players) system

  1. Make the daily focus depending on how far you have achieved in the current season
  2. Let people decide depending on their current season in what league they will get the daily focus (the max the league they achieved to get in the current season)
  3. Give them the info on what splinters will get in the next daily focus (the primary or the alternative one)

The third one is what I would like to see more but all three are at least friendly to the people that pay to be in a big league.
As it is right now, it is pure greed.
Change it NOW


I only just realised how this works myself 😭. When I found my alt suddenly getting bronze chests. 😰
Not the most ideal situation. I've got to maintain at least 15k CP in my alt from now on.

