Splinterlands and Delegation update

Today i made two important calls towards the future. I delegated 1000 hp into @brofi and on splinterlands i rented all my cards out for daily dec income. I currently can't play often right now so i think it is the right decision. Plus i can buy more cards each week. I hope to get more than 20 dec a day but we will see. If anyone knows a way i can see my daily dec income that would be super helpful. I also hope to do more dec giveaways and contest with what i earn.


With my delegation to brofi i hope to earn bro tokens daily. With those bro tokens i can earn a variety of other tokens. My goal is to buy more bro tokens as well with these post payouts. I appreciate all your support as well with my splinterlands journey. We are all on our way up. Splinterlands has changed many lives and i hope it will change mine. With my earnings from splinterlands i am going to buy gold and silver to help with my future. Earning passive income each day is also really fun and maybe i can make this a full time gig. I've also invested into a token recently that i really like and i get paid 13 cents a day sometimes more so I'm going to put more into that. Next month i should have enough to do contest and giveaway cards to people.

If you would like to help the process go faster and join splinterlands you can do so here: https://splinterlands.com?ref=teenagecrypto

I even rented out my best cards so whoever gets to them first good luck. I'll give a list of my token earnings in the future when i can write up a report. Thanks for reading everyone and if you like gambling on hive kryptogamers is also fun to play as you can use hive and win gamer tokens for daily payouts.

Kryptogamers: https://kryptogamers.com/?ref=teenagecrypto

For anyone looking to help me in my giveaway/contest discord server let me know. I want to make it a fun place to talk and do contest/giveaways.

Have a good day, Mr.Crypto


Here's a link to check your rentals and more related to your splinterlands assets:


Also much better to manage rentals than in-game, another thing might be worth considering is to use the splinterstats season report card. Can be found over here:


It includes an overview of rentals going in and out and your net balance and you can post it to your blog. Hope it helps! :-)


Yeah easy decision. If you can't play rent, that passive income :)
