

Hi everyone, Welcome to my post regarding the "SHARE YOUR BATTLE" Challenge. For this week's challenge, I'll be sharing my battles use Magic monsters that have low SPEED in the REVERSE SPEED Ruleset (Spirit Druid Grog). And before going to the main discussion.........


The ruleset for this time is REVERSE SPEED and EARTHQUAKE with 23 mana. REVERSE SPEED is a situation where Monsters with the lowest Speed attack first and have the highest chance of evading attacks. Meanwhile, EARTHQUAKE is a situation where Non-flying Monsters take 2 Melee damage at the end of each round.


My Line-Up

Give 1 Additional Attack point to All Allies Magic MonstersThe reason I use Delwyn Dragonscale is because there is a possibility that the opponent will use a monster that has a lot of ARMOR or that has the SHIELD ability to survive in the EARTHQUAKE ruleset.

Another reason is that I already rent some Magic monsters that have low SPEED to be used in the REVERSE SPEED Ruleset.
Shield + Void (Lv1)
+ Magic Reflect (Lv2)
Lord Arianthus is very suitable for dealing with all types of monsters (Melee, Ranged, and Magic monsters) even without Attack points. All of his abilities at level 1 were enough to reduce the damage he received from attacks from various types of monsters.

With the SHIELD ability he has, he can survive the EARTHQUAKE Ruleset.
None (Lv1)Fungus Fiend is only in charge of filling the remaining slots that are still available.
Protect (Lv1)
+ Amplify (Lv2)
Due to the EARTHQUAKE Ruleset, I use Queen Mycelia who has the PROTECT ability to give all my monsters some protection from the effects of the Ruleset.
Resurrect (Lv1)+ Life Leech (Lv2)I use Spirit Druid Grog not only because it has a Magic attack of 2 points even with low SPEED, but also because it has RESURRECT that can revive my lost monsters due to enemy attacks or the effects of Ruleset.

Spirit Druid Grog is also equipped with LIFE LEECH at level 2 so he gets an additional Max. Health points each time the attack hits the enemy monster.
Dodge (Lv2)As a filler for the space that is still available and to anticipate if the opponent brings SNEAK monsters. With the Dodge that he has, it's possible that he can dodge the attacks of the opponent's SNEAK monsters.
Camouflage (Lv1)
+ Void (Lv2)
I use Djinn Biljka because he has a CAMOUFLAGE that can protect him from SNEAK / SNIPE / OPPORTUNITY enemy monsters.




The opponent uses Brighton Bloom (Give additional FLYING Ability to All Allies) which is very suitable for one of the Rulesets in this battle (EARTHQUAKE). Opponents also use Earth Splinter where there are many monsters that have low SPEED.

After all abilities are applied.....


Brighton Bloom's Ability gives additional FLYING abilities to all enemy monsters. Additional abilities from monsters in the form of a reduction of 1 Health point to all my monsters given by the opponent's Djinn Biljka.

Delwyn Dragonscale's Ability gives an additional 1 Attack point to all my magic monsters. Additional abilities from monsters in the form of giving an additional 2 ARMOR to all my monsters given by Queen Mycelia.


In the first round, Goblin Tower attacked and destroyed the ARMOR of Lord Arianthus. The effect of his BLAST also destroys the ARMOR of Fungus Fiend. Djinn Biljka belonging to the opponent also attacks Lord Arianthus even though it only reduces 1 Health point (due to VOID). Lord Arianthus returned the attack from Djinn Biljka using MAGIC REFLECT which was strengthened by AMPLIFY from Queen Mycelia so that the Health point of Djinn Biljka reduced by 1 point (because it was blocked by VOID)

When it was my turn, Spirit Druid Grog beat Mycelic Morphoid and got an additional 1 Max Health point (But he still has 1 Health point due to the reduction in Health points made by the opponent's Djinn Biljka). Meanwhile, my remaining 2 Magic monsters (Queen Mycelia and Djinn Biljka) directly attack the Health points of the Mycelic Infantry (which replaces the losing Mycelic Morphoid position). first by Spirit Druid Grog).



At the start of the second round, the EARTHQUAKE ruleset effect activates and deals 2 Melee Damage to all Non-Flying monsters (in this battle only my side was affected). My Fungus Fiend died but was resurrected by Spirit Druid Grog who had RESURRECT (Fungus Fiend was resurrected and he got an additional 2 of his ARMOR back). Lord Arianthus only lost 1 Health point (helped by SHIELD). Whereas my other monsters just lost their ARMOR.

On the other side, Goblin Tower attacks again and reduces 2 Health points from Lord Arianthus. The BLAST effect also removes the ARMOR from my Fungus Fiend again. Mycelic Infantry also attacked and reduced 2 Health points from Lord Arianthus. The opponent's last attack came from Djinn Biljka who managed to defeat Lord Ariathus. But before dying, Lord Arianthus restores the attack of Djinn Biljka using a strengthened MAGIC reflection so that the opponent's Djinn Biljka also dies.

Deduction of 1 Health Point made by Djinn Biljka belonging to the opponent disappears

On my side, Spirit Druid Grog attacked Mycelic Infantry and received an additional 2 Max Health points (so he now has 4 Health points). Queen Mycelia also attacked and defeated Mycelic Infantry. Meanwhile, my Djinn Biljka managed to defeat the opponent's Fungus Fiend who filled the position left by the Mycelic Infantry.


At the start of the third round, the effect of the EARTHQUAKE Ruleset is reactivated. And since there's no ARMOR anymore, some of my monsters died (Fungus Fiend, Chaos Agent, and Djinn Biljka) because they only had 2 Health Points.

Goblin Tower can't move in this third round because he is in the first place and he doesn't have the CLOSE RANGE ability or is in the Ruleset. That made him the main target for my remaining 2 Magic monsters (Queen Mycelia and Spirit Druid Grog) and they managed to trounce him.

To see the entire battle, you can watch it at >> FULL BATTLE LINK
And this is the challenge link >> CHALLENGE LINK


STRATEGY (Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?)

The strategy this time went very well even though it was made spontaneously. The other side also surprised me a bit because they were able to defeat Lord Arianthus and use Brighton Bloom level 6 and bring monsters with a higher level.

are you going to try something different next time? hmm, looks like this strategy is pretty good and there's no need for any changes for now (both in terms of monster selection and positioning)

Do you like Spirit Druid Grog?

Spirit Druid Grog is one of the new monsters to rent this season because the rental price is relatively cheap. But he left a positive impression and made me want to re-sign him next season after seeing the results of this battle.

Spirit Druid Grog (probably) became my victory after successfully reviving Fungus Fiend so that Queen Mycelia managed to avoid Goblin Tower's BLAST.

But in my opinion, Spirit Druid Grog still can't be a monster that I will often play with. Because he has a low SPEED and Health Point which allows him to be an easy target for OPPORTUNITY monsters.


That was the post SHARE YOUR BATTLE CHALLENGE for this time. Thank you for visiting and taking the time to read. See you in the next post....

Thanks to:
