[ESP-ENG] Estrategias increibles: Taunt + Tank heal + Repair



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¡Bienvenidos a un nuevo post!

Splinterlands es un juego de estrategia, y es que tienes que pensar cada movimiento y tratar de anticipar los de tu rival para obtener una victoria, es una de las cosas que mas me gustan de este juego, y mi post de hoy habla justamente de eso, de estrategias que son muy increibles. Hoy les traigo una que me ha gustado mucho ver como funciona:

Hello and welcome to a new post!

Splinterlands is a game based on the strategy, that's a fact, and you have to think every move and try to anticipate your opponent's moves to get a victory, is one of the things I like most about this game, and my post today talks about just that, strategies that are very incredible. Today I bring you one that I really liked to see how it works:

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La idea.

Esta estrategia combina dos que ya explique, el full repair mas super healing y agregando una sola habilidad mas que la convierte en una de las estrategias mas pesadas de este juego.

La idea consiste en colocar un tanque con Taunt que sea el centro de todos los ataques y usar tanto el repair como el tank healing para mantenerlo vivo en la batalla y en caso de que caiga, aplicamos el resurrect como recurso extra, son muchas habilidades juntas pero si se puede hacer y hoy te voy a explicar como.

Cartas con habilidad TAUNT:

The idea.

This strategy combines two that I already explained, the full repair plus super healing and adding one more skill that makes it one of the heaviest strategies of this game.

The idea of this strategy is to place a tank with Taunt that is the center of all attacks and use both repair and tank healing to keep him alive in the battle and in case he falls, we apply resurrect as an extra resource, they are many skills together but it can be done and today I will explain how.

Cards with TAUNT ability:


Cartas con Tank Heal:

  • Hay 21 cartas en total con esta habilidad

Cards with Tank Heal:

  • There are 21 cards in total with this ability


Cartas con REPAIR:

  • Tenemos hasta 15 cartas disponibles con esta habilidad.

Cards with REPAIR:

  • We have up to 15 cards available with this ability.


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Posibles equipos.

Ademas de estas tres, tenemos que castear tambien el Resurrect al menos una vez, y las cartas que lo tienen son las siguientes:

Possible teams.

In addition to these three, we also have to cast Resurrect at least once, and the cards that have it are the following:


Lo que nos hace concluir que esta estrategia completa se puede lanzar con Agua, Tierra, Vida y Muerte. De todos esos el que de lejos es el mejor para esta estrategia es Vida, porque es el splinter con mas cartas disponibles para hacerla y el que mejor funciona con ella. La mejor alineacion posible seria esta:

Which makes us conclude that this complete strategy can be cast with Water, Earth, Life and Death. Of all of those the one that is by far the best for this strategy is Life, because it is the splinter with the most cards available to make it and the one that works best with it. The best possible alignment would be this:

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  • Chanceus se va a encargar tanto de reparar la armadura del tanque como de revivirlo una vez si muere. Tambien tiene Triage por si te usan Scattershot, uno de los counters de esta estrategia.

  • Shieldbearer es la base de la alineacion, cuando tiene la habilidad Shield se hace indestructible con esta estrategia.

  • Junker apoya con el daño gracias al Reach y tambien repara armadura.

  • Truthspeaker es muy importante porque añade mas armadura, cura al tanque y le elimina los debuff con el Cleanse.

  • Angel of Thruth revive y tambien va a curar al Shieldbearer.

  • High Priest Darius ademas de tener muy buen daño con blast, tambien revive.

  • Adelade Brigthwing al final, revive, repara y ademas hace mas veloz a tu equipo.

Entonces tienes una alineacion con un daño decente pero que es increiblemente defensiva, tu Shieldbearer va a revivir hasta 4 veces, tambien tendra 4 oportunidades para que le reparen la armadura y cuando sufra daño, podra ser curado en dos rondas distintas, todo eso gracias a la diferencia entre velocidades de las cartas de apoyo. Se lee normal pero en batalla es increible.

  • Chanceus the Great as summoner will take care of both repairing the tank's armor and reviving it once if it dies. He also has Triage in case Scattershot, one of the counters of this strategy, is used.

  • Shieldbearer is the base of the lineup, when he has the Shield ability he becomes indestructible with this strategy.

  • Junker supports with damage thanks to Reach and also repairs armor.

  • Truthspeaker is very important because it adds more armor, heals the tank and removes debuffs with Cleanse.

  • Angel of Thruth revives and also heals Shieldbearer.

  • High Priest Darius besides having very good blast damage, also revives.

  • Adelade Brigthwing at the end, revives, repairs and also makes your team faster.

So you have a lineup for your battles that has a decent damage but is incredibly defensive and works really great, your Shieldbearer will revive up to 4 times, will also have 4 chances to have his armor repaired and when he takes damage, he can be healed in two different rounds, all thanks to the speed difference between the support cards. It reads normal but in battle it is incredible.

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  • Contra Melee y Ranged es un 90% seguro que vas a ganar la partida, quizás mas.

  • Tiene variantes para todo tipo de batallas, aunque no sirve para mana bajo por la falta de cartas con Taunt.

  • Cambiar al invocador por Grandmaster Rathe la hace efectiva contra magia tambien.


  • Conqueror Jacek te puede tumbar muy facil la estrategia si tiene un buen tanque.

  • Es debil contra magia, pero puedes contrarrestar cambiando al invocador.

  • No sirve en mana bajo.


  • Against Melee and Ranged is 90% sure you will win the game, maybe more.

  • It has variants for all types of battles, although it is not useful for low mana due to the lack of cards with Taunt.

  • Changing the summoner to Grandmaster Rathe makes it effective against magic.


  • Conqueror Jacek can easily overthrow your strategy if he has a good tank.

  • Weak against magic, but you can counter by changing the summoner.

  • Not good in low mana.

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La batalla.

Esta es una batalla en rango Diamante donde puedes ver que ambos oponentes utilizan casi la misma estrategia, es muy usual ver esta estragia usarse en estos rangos altos.

The Battle.

This is a Diamond rank battle where you can see that both opponents use almost the same strategy, it is very usual to see this strategy used in these high ranks.


Por el bajo mana ambos dejan de lado al invocador y creo que es lo correcto porque Adelade, Truthspeaker y Shieldbearer tienen que estar obligatoriamente para que funcione bien.

El Return Fire del Shieldbearer daña la estrategia del jugador de la parte superior, porque al eliminar sus cartas ranged con el daño reflejado Adelade va a revivirlas a ellas y no al tanque, dañando por completo toda la estrategia.

Mientras que la del jugador de la parte inferior se ejecuta perfectamente y ademas como usa daño magico para atacar, le gana la partida antes de que empiece.

Because of the low mana they both leave aside the summoner and I think it's the right thing to do because Adelade, Truthspeaker and Shieldbearer have to be there for it to work well.

Shieldbearer's Return Fire damages the top player's strategy, because by removing his ranged cards with the reflected damage Adelade will revive them and not the tank, completely damaging the whole strategy.

While the lower player's strategy is perfectly executed even with the enemy counters and since he uses magic damage to attack, he wins the game before it starts.


A este punto se activa el Resurrect del jugador de abajo, cuando el de la parte superior esta ya condenado a perder.

At this point the Resurrect of the player at the bottom is activated, when the player at the top is already doomed to lose.

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Esta es quizas la estrategia mas elaborada de todas las que he explicado hasta ahora pero es tambien la mas potende y por mucho, se pueden ganar muchas partidas con ella porque es muy complicado revertirla y aunque tiene bastantes limitaciones para invocarla, cuando lo logras hacer el resultado es algo increible.

This is perhaps the most elaborate strategy of all that I have explained so far but it is also the most powerful and by far, you can win many games with it because it is very difficult to reverse it and although it has many limitations to invoke it, when you manage to do it the result is something incredible.

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