Splinterlands Draft Format


Today, we dream about new draft tournament format for Splinterlands and a fun way to open your sealed packs.

Splinterlands Draft Format: Open 6 packs and make the best 7 teams with the given rulesets and then battle for prizes.
Entry Fee: 6 packs of the required set (mixed set drafts would also be available)
Players: 1-1000 (Solo formats would be a sealed format where you keep all of your cards)
Draft: Open a pack, take one card for your collection and pass the rest.
Create Teams: After all packs are open and 30 cards are in your collection, you then select a fray and submit a team for each fray only using each cards a maximum of once. Once you feel all of your frays are filled, you submit your line ups and wait for the results.
Battles: You will get matched up with randomly different opponents for each fray. The goal is to have the best Win-Loss record by the end. Any frays you neglect to fill will be automatic losses.
Summoners: Each player will get the same set of summoners to use in their tournaments (as you can see in the photo), but can only be used once.
Cards: All cards selected will be added to your collection once the tournament concludes.


The Beauty of Draft
Deciding which splinter, summoner, monsters and rulesets to combine will create really a dynamic gameplay experience and be a really fun way to open your packs. Moments when you open a Gold Foil and a powerful card will really put you in a challenging situation. Draft formats could mix and match card sets with Alpha, Beta, Dice, Untamed and Chaos Legion being all mixed together, and perhaps phantom drafts would allow a lower cost barrier to trying out mixed draft formats. Will you be able to draft cards for your least favorite splinter? What low level common will be the unexpected all star of your battles?


Pick 1, Pack 1
Here is your Pick One, Pack One for Untamed.... which card will you select?
