Brother cards _ Splinterlands similarity cards

Authored by @Yonilkar


Hola a todos los jugadores, este día les vengo a dar una comparativa de las cartas que tienen cierto sentido en común, pero no son muy parecidas, pero comparten ciertas características.

Hello to all players, this day I come to give you a comparison of cards that have some sense in common, but are not very similar, but share certain characteristics.

En el mundo de Splinterlands muchas cartas se pueden convertir en los mejores aliados para nuestros equipos además de tener una combinación con el invocador, otro de esos es que las similitudes que comparten se pueden comparar para demostrar esa diferencia.

In the world of Splinterlands many cards can become the best allies for our teams in addition to having a combination with the summoner, another of those is that the similarities they share can be compared to demonstrate that difference.

A continuación se podrá observar una lista de las potenciales cartas que tienen ciertas similitudes con otros, claros está que esto es solo una muestra de las diferencias de estas, pues simplemente comparten algunas de las características no es que son exactamente iguales.

Below you can see a list of potential cards that have certain similarities with others, of course this is only a sample of the differences of these, as they simply share some of the characteristics, not that they are exactly the same.

Esto también se deriva que pueden diferenciarse incluso con otras ya sea porque alguna muestre un poder mágico y la otra un poder de ataque o incluso tengan diferencias entre la cantidad de Maná que una pose y la otra no exhaustivo de esto es que todas las cartas independientemente del elemento se expresan Al momento de ir a batalla con una combinación de habilidades totalmente diferente pues una carta puede tener una de las nuevas habilidades mientras que la otra una de las antiguas habilidades.

This also derives from the fact that they can be differentiated even with others, either because one shows a magic power and the other an attack power or even have differences between the amount of mana that one possesses and the other does not, which is exhaustive of this is that all cards, regardless of the element, express themselves at the moment of going to battle with a totally different combination of abilities, since one card can have one of the new abilities while the other one has one of the old abilities.

Dos cartas del mismo elemento y una de las más usadas como tanque en batalla debido a sus características que son la capacidad de curarse cuando son atacadas, la diferencia más grande es que una es de defensa contra magia y la otra es defensa contra ataques cuerpo a cuerpo.

This also derives from the fact that they can be differentiated even with others, either because one shows a magic power and the other an attack power or even have differences between the amount of mana that one possesses and the other does not, which is exhaustive of this is that all cards, regardless of the element, express themselves at the moment of going to battle with a totally different combination of abilities, since one card can have one of the new abilities while the other one has one of the old abilities.

Una similitud bastante buena para las batallas de bajo nivel de maná y además de contar con una combinación muy estratégica en habilidades de sneak y poison que son perfectas para reducir la vida de los enemigos desde la última posición.

Otro aspecto a destacar es que son de rarezas distintas y una es neutral que la hace accesible para cualquier elemento y no solo al de muerte.

A very good similarity for low mana level battles and in addition to having a very strategic combination of sneak and poison abilities that are perfect for reducing the life of the enemies from the last position.

Another aspect to highlight is that they are of different rarities and one is neutral which makes it accessible to any element and not only to death.

Dos poderosas cartas de curación al tanque que tienen más que únicamente ese poder para dar en batalla, comparten el mismo nivel de mana, pero cambian en la aplicación de su habilidad de beneficio al equipo. Una añade un punto de vida a todo el equipo y la otra le da u punto de ataque a los monstruos cuerpo a cuerpo, cada una perfecta para su elemento.

Two powerful tank healing cards that have more than just that power to give in battle share the same mana level, but change in the application of their ability benefit to the team. One adds one point of health to the entire team and the other gives one point of attack to melee monsters, each perfect for its element.

Una de las más grandes similitudes en habilidades que se pueden presentar en el juego, comparten muchas características, pues ambas tienen 5 puntos de mana, 1 de velocidad y son de elemento neutral, pero se diferencian en ciertos detalles que son importantes los cueles son su rareza que una es legendaria y una habilidad además de su cantidad de vida.

La demostración del grandioso poder del elemento fuego se ve reflejado en estas dos cartas que a mi parecer son una de las mejores al momento de establecer una estrategia, pues se puede hacer con mucho poder contra el enemigo.

Ambas comparten dos características que las hacen de lo mejor en batalla, velocidad y la habilidad de blast, pero con sus pequeñas diferencias que son sus otras habilidades que las hacen un buen diferencial para el momento de saber cuál seleccionar.

The demonstration of the great power of the fire element is reflected in these two cards that in my opinion are one of the best at the time of establishing a strategy, because it can be done with great power against the enemy.

Both share two characteristics that make them the best in battle, speed and the ability to blast, but with their small differences that are their other abilities that make them a good differential for the moment of knowing which one to select.

De as cartas más difíciles de vencer en batalla, pues están en una posición estrategia y buscan a los monstruos con menos nivel de vida para así sucumbir en su vida y otorgase a sí mismos un punto de esta, combinación perfecta de las habilidades scavenger y opportunity.

One of the most difficult cards to beat in battle, because they are in a strategic position and look for monsters with less life level to succumb to their life and give themselves a point of this, perfect combination of the abilities scavenger and opportunity.

De poderes legendarios a grandes niveles es lo que nos hace ver que son de alto potencial para el momento de elegir en batalla, con una gran coraza de alto poder y unos puntos de vida y mana similares estos dos compañeros de la armada legendaria se pueden tomar en cuenta para batallas de alto rango ya que su dominancia es muy importante.

Of legendary powers at high levels is what makes us see that they are of high potential for the moment of choosing in battle, with a great armor of high power and similar life and mana points these two companions of the legendary armada can be taken into account for high-ranking battles since their dominance is very important.

Estas son llamadas cartas back-line por el hecho de que su función es ayudar a los demás a mantenerse los más sanos posibles en la batalla y así lograr más una victoria con la estrategia que con la fuerza, sus características similares van de su mana a su la misma cantidad de mana, de los cuales poseen 2.

These are called back-line cards due to the fact that their function is to help others to stay as healthy as possible in battle and thus achieve victory more with strategy than with strength. Their similar characteristics range from their mana to their equal amount of mana, of which they possess 2.

Cada vez que vencemos a un rexxe se viene la parte más oscura y no muerta de este, ambos comparten bastantes similitudes en cuanto a la vida y poder de ataque además de ser de la misma rareza y contar con la habilidad de trample, pero eso si Undead Rexx es capaz de darte sin capacidad de reacción al momento de que recibas un ataque de este.

Every time we defeat a rexxe the darkest and undead part of it comes, both share many similarities in terms of life and attack power besides being of the same rarity and having the ability to trample, but Undead Rexx is capable of giving you no reaction capacity when you receive an attack from it.


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It is pretty creepy the way everyone is ignoring what is happening to me and still going to Hivefest. Lay the dirty snatches out why dont ya. Fake it all you want creeps, its so obvious the blind eye you are turning. @fyrstikken told me what V2K and RNM was before they turned it on for me. Around that time he introduced me to @roelandp . I still have the emails between myself and @roelandp . This chain is centralized by design and @fyrstikken helped set it all up to fuck everyone, one by one, slowly into my situation. This is no joke you dumb mother fuckers, they shock you to your thoughts..... Hello????? It is in store for everyone you fools and your helping. Voices pulsed in your head and shocks to your thoughts??? Ignore me and help fuck innocent people for life? @roelandp and other top witnesses I know are involved with @fyrstikken.. Wait until people find out you conspired to enslave them with this shit. I am not crazy and you know it. they are doing this shit to me and told me what it mother fucking was BEFORE THEY TURNED IT ON! Your acting like naive children or maybe you are just part of the problem? You look like sociopaths. Everyone should unplug from HIVE until they are caught, .your. celebrating and ignoring my obvious, you look like fools. You know who is doing it....they are trying to kill me with it. The Havana Syndrome is real too you slave trading V2K, RNM enabling fuckers. Arrogantly play ignorant you Creeps, your setting the table for trafficking and total enslavement. I did not know I was circumvented until a year after I was?..People here will be nice until it?s too late. There is no way to stop it once they have you. Grow the fuck up, this is not aliens, gods, celebrities or a medicate-able mental concern. It is 100% electronic and beast as fuck. You do not want this shit. .....
