The image is made of own imagination and thoughts


Digital art made by @xpilar

fjell og natur 5 A.jpg

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Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture

If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me


Think of you (poem)

In the darkness of my room I started thinking about you.

Immediately think of you filled my inspiration and I felt free in nature

I felt free to fly like the birds in the blue sky, touching the thin clouds of cotton

Imagine you take me to the cusp of the highest mountain where I am happy

I know that for now I have a dark and cold room but thinking about you illuminates my life and gives me peace, peace naturally.


Arrived the light.

There was once a dreamy and imaginative child who had never seen the sun, nature, colors, light ...
This child was born without being able to see, but he had developed an incredible passion for art, his parents taught him different textures and with paintings he showed shapes, the child had a favorite artist called xpilar, his art was widely known in the world and it was with his art that the child developed his love for art.
His parents always had him canvas and temperas so that the child when he had his moment of inspiration could create.
His paintings reflected his reality, his world ... and although he could not see his abstract art was majestic, his talent was known and his fame was growing.
So much so that his paintings were sold more and more and at a better price.
Thus his family could gather and be able to make the corneas operation necessary to be able to see.
The day came to remove the bandages from the eyes of the child and his parents were present at that moment, his mother and father by his side both taking a small hand.
The doctor withdrew the bandage and the light arrived, those present cried, laughed, thanked and congratulated.
The next day the parents took the child to an important Norwegian museum, the doctors, their relatives, friends, admirers, the press and a special guest were the artist himself @xpilar.
in front of everyone @ xpilar I give her a painting that I made especially for the child, it was the first time I could observe, contemplate and admire a painting of the artist with his own eyes.


The painting was beautiful, the child hugged the artist he admired so much and cried, thanking him for giving him a reason to dream when the light was off.
The boy and @xpilar embraced.


Good day @xpilar, you are very ingenious and detailed, that is reflected in every job you give us, of course this is not left behind with such a wonderful mountain.


Distinguished lineage shows cheerfully
as sculpted by the hand of God,
beauty overflows your natural form
fresh sensation transmits to your step..


Good painting, I like your good work, I would like some prehistoric birds or a small explosion in the background to give more content.


@xpilar omg it's looking very awesome , it's kind of some cosmic rays in the sky. Nice work dear. We're are you from and what is your name dear.


thank you @adityajainxds

I'm from Norway


@xpilar oh wow that's a nice place I have heard so many times regarding this. I am from India. You have visited India before.


Hello @xpilar
another beautiful digital art my friend.
in this are you make beautiful landscape view with full of greenery.
Blue sky with white clouds and green mountain looks awesome.
Beautiful art my friend. thanks for share with us.
have nice day.


Excellent, I haven't had the opportunity to see something the same or similar in my country although I know there is, .

Excelente, no he tenido la oportunidad de ver algo igual o parecido en mi país aunque sé que lo hay,


Se asemeja al crater del Sabancaya localizado en Arequipe -Peru- el que estuvo inactivo durante 200 años. no obstante, el pasado siglo,(en los años 80) se activo nuevamente


Como un cráter, alla en la lejanía, en su quietud aparente se divisa
Resplandece algo de luz, en tal ambiente
Así, con ese tenue resplandor que ejemplifica
Trémulos muchos, aun creyendo en las bondades,pero a la expectativa
En otro entorno, donde se desenvuelven en su vaivén
Riendo,gimiendo, sigue su ritmo en diferentes ámbitos, la vida.


Hello xpilar, according to my description, your digital image shows that the mountain is the best place to see the beauty of nature. by being on a mountain, people are able to see the beauty of nature extensively. I also really like seeing the beauty of nature from a high place.

Posted using Partiko Android


Hi @xpilar


Habían pasado varios miles de años desde que las competencias deportivas estaban sujetas a las rigurosidades de la gravedad terrestre, los habitantes de las colonias, casi todos ellos acostumbrados a planetas con una atracción gravitatoria menor a la de la Tierra, eran capaces de proezas físicas jamás soñadas por los antiguos humanos.

Curiosamente si un humano antiguo, estuviese sujeto a las mismas condiciones que los actuales, al tener una musculatura adaptada a un entorno más riguroso, sería capaz de superar fácilmente a la mayor parte de los atletas de los mundos colonizados.

Las olimpiadas de las colonias se llevaban a cabo cada veinte años, el evento reunía a los más destacados atletas de todos los planetas, satélites y estaciones espaciales, para competir durante noventa días en más de trescientos deportes y juegos, individuales y en equipos.

Este año, uno de los eventos que más atención había atraído entre los espectadores y patrocinadores era la escalada libre, sin modificaciones corporales. La razón de este interés, era la historia personal de las dos participantes que se habían hecho protagonistas de la competencia.

Sofía Sarmiento y Martha Coppola, ambas provenientes de Hefesto, un mundo relativamente nuevo, con menos de doscientos años de haberse iniciado su población, ambas estudiantes de la misma academia y habitantes del mismo asentamiento de colonos.

Y para más coincidencia, ambas compartían el mismo entrenador, Alexander Dominik, un escalador retirado, tres veces ganador del oro en la modalidad masculina de la categoría con modificaciones corporales menores al diez por ciento.

Alexander quien desde hace más de ochenta años ostenta el récord por el más rápido ascenso a la cumbre del Monte Hades, sin soporte de vida, debió renunciar a las competencias olímpicas al requerir modificaciones corporales de más del cincuenta porciento de su cuerpo, para poder completar tal hazaña. Apadrinaría y entrenaría a ambas escaladoras, entre quienes desde jóvenes existiera una sana rivalidad.

Después de una feroz clasificación, las dos rivales, que como peculiaridad habían sido entrenadas por Alex en Hermes, planeta santuario en el que la gravedad es superior al promedio de los mundos colonizados, con lo que desarrollaron una musculatura y densidad ósea muy superior a las restantes participantes, lograron pasar juntas a la final superando a sus competidoras con gran facilidad.

La final, tendría como escenario el Monte Vesta, un volcán extinto en medio de los bosques de Dione, planeta que fue sede de las olimpiadas ese año, después de una serie de asombrosas demostraciones de las destrezas físicas de ambas participantes, sería Sofía quien lograría llegar primero a la cumbre y activar la sirena que anunciaba el final, haciéndose merecedora del oro.

Sofia y Martha, hermanas por genes maternos, y con una historia muy similar, pusieron ese año a Hefestos en el podio, en su primera participación en una olimpiada, un mundo que guiado por Alex dominaría las competencias de escalada durante los siguientes doscientos años.


Several thousand years had passed since sports competitions were subject to the rigors of terrestrial gravity, the inhabitants of the colonies, almost all of them accustomed to planets with gravitational attraction smaller than that of the Earth, were capable of physical prowess never dreamed of by ancient humans.

Curiously enough, if an ancient human were subject to the same conditions as the present ones, having a musculature adapted to a more rigorous environment, he would be able to easily surpass most of the athletes of the colonized worlds.

The Olympics of the colonies were held every twenty years, the event brought together the most outstanding athletes from all planets, satellites and space stations, to compete for ninety days in more than three hundred sports and individual games and teams.

This year, one of the events that had attracted the most attention among spectators and sponsors was free climbing, with no bodily modifications. The reason for this interest, is the personal story of the two participants who have become protagonists of the competition.

Sofia Sarmiento and Martha Coppola, both from Hephaestus, a relatively new world, less than two hundred years old, both students of the same academy and inhabitants of the same settlers' settlement.

And for more coincidence, both were sharing the same coach, Alexander Dominik, a retired climber, three times winner of gold in the male modality of the category with body modifications less than ten percent.

Alexander, who for more than eighty years holds the record for the fastest ascent to the summit of Mount Hades, without life support, had to give up the Olympic competitions requiring body modifications of more than fifty percent of his body, to complete such a feat. He would sponsor and train both climbers, among whom there was a healthy rivalry from a young age.

After a ferocious classification, the two rivals, that as peculiarity had been trained by Alex in Hermes, sanctuary planet in which the gravity is superior to the average of the colonized worlds, with which they developed a musculature and bone density very superior to the remaining participants, managed to pass together to the final surpassing their competitors with great facility.

The final would take place on Mount Vesta, an extinct volcano in the middle of the forests of Dione, planet that hosted the Olympics that year, after a series of amazing demonstrations of the physical skills of both participants, it would be Sofia who managed to reach the summit first and activate the siren that announced the end. becoming worthy of gold.

Sofia and Martha, sisters by paternal genes, and with a very similar history, that year put Hephaestus on the podium, in his first participation in an Olympiad, a world that guided by Alex would dominate the climbing competitions for two hundred years.

Thank you @xpilar, I hope the story was to your liking.
