SplinterLands - I Reached Gold Rank for the First Time!


I still consider myself a SM newbie. I've been playing this game for some months now, but it's hard to go up without some help of our little friends the cryptocurrencies. I've been taking the game more serious since the guilds release playing almost everyday. So just before the last season ended, I managed to clasify into Gold Rank III for the first time!

The first surprise I got was double rule battles. I got that experience from tournaments, but I didn't know it was a regular thing at gold ranks. I also experienced a 31 mana battle which is awesome when you have these expensive cards.

Now, I reached this rank with only one summoner lvl 3, two lvl 2, and the rest lvl 1. Yeah, it was a miracle I know. Nonetheless, I set myself into the first battle.

What I didn't expect was winning a battle in this rank lvl, yet it happened! I was so happy to see I'm understanding the game a bit better and could complete a daily quest while in this rank.

Hopefully, I'll be albe to strenghthen my maces a bit more during this season to reach Gold rank again. Maybe my experience can help you measure your efforts. See you in the Arena :3

Screenshots from the game
