So close to the CHAMPIONS LEAGUE!


Well at least I was 9 hours ago after doing my 15 ranked matches in the mornning. T_T

This morning I surprisingly managed to reach 3615 Rating or 85 Ratings away from reaching the CHAMPIONS league. If ever this would be my first time reaching the CHAMPIONS LEAGUE again after 7 or 8 seasons (Poor Me!).


Unfortunately after I did my 15 ranked matches this afternoon, I am back again in the 3482 Ratings or almost close to being demoted back to the DIAMOND II leagues. T_T

There is still 2 days plus left though before the current season ends so I am still somewhat hopeful that I would once again end the season in the CHAMPIONS LEAGUE. I have some hope as long as I get EARTH/WATER
or maybe DRAGON as my daily quest in the next 2 days. The moment I get FIRE/DEATH/LIFE bye2 CHAMPIONS LEAGUE Lol.

