Splinterlands - Upgraded my Flesh Golem to Level 7


Flesh Golem is one of the most used cards in my Earth deck. I already have a decent lineup of cards in my Earth Deck. I thought that this card would add good value to my collections. I initially thought of upgrading this card to its maximum level but then realized that it would be a waste of money because all I need would be a level 7 monster and a level 10 monster would be an overkill for my account and I might end up not using it at that level at all.

In the process of upgrading my cards, I chose my Earth deck next to the fire deck. I first had fire deck as my option and I maxed out the summoner and upgraded all my most frequently used cards in the fire deck. After that, I moved to upgrade the Earth deck. But I did not bother to upgrade Fresh Golem then because I thought it may not be worth upgrading the card to higher levels as I already had a healing ability for the card.


To my surprise, this is one of the best upgrades in my deck I should say. I have played a few games after the upgrade using my earth deck and I should admit that the card does wonder against magic attack monsters. Previously the monster had only the healing ability and would sustain in the first position for quite some time. But a few attacks on the monsters and it will be gone. Now that it has the Void ability, the monster is doing wonders against magic attacks sustaining in the game for a very long time. Now I feel that I should have done this upgrade long back.

I'm able to understand how I had underestimated the Void ability of a monster so much. Void along with healing ability gives a great resistance if the opponent has many magic monsters lined up during a battle. I usually also take Wood Nymph for most of my earth battles which are capable of healing the tanks. With these two healing abilities and a Void, it gives me more chance to stay strong in the battle for a longer period of time. I would consider this as one of the best investments in the game, to be honest. It did cost me a lot to purchase this level 7 monster but it was definitely worth a shot.

You can check my deck collection here. If you like this article, please vote, share and follow!

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